
Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday Meanderings 11 - 14 - 2022

How can it be Monday again?  It was a busy week with some stitching getting done but not as much as I would have liked.  Friday we sang in a Veteran's Day program put on by our community.  Following the program lunch was provided.  

Afterwards, Pat and I made a beeline straight to the door as we needed to get down to our beach house to do some work/evaluation of the place.  But remember reading about Nicole?  Her remnants greeted us all the way down to the Outer Banks.  Some rain was light and much was extremely heavy. (Thankfully no hail though.). However, we did get tornado warnings that buzzed loudly through both of our cell phones.  Thirty miles later I figured out we were exactly where the warning as we were getting names of small towns, we just didn't realize we were going through the first small town.  YIKES.  Luckily we never saw a tornado and I figured out it was going north east and we were going south east.  Do you know how hard it is to see possible tornado clouds when the road is lined with tall trees?  Obviously we weren't specifically in the path.  As we got closer to the Outer Banks we saw -

It was a huge double rainbow.  We could actually see to the opposite side of it too.  I snapped this through the front windshield so it isn't as good as it looked in person. By the time we got to our house the rain had gone.  

One of the things we did was hit up the Rusty Crow where we had purchased the ornament kits for the grands.  I asked a few questions about the finishing and, um, er, did a little shopping. The two Moda Grunge fabrics called my name.  Unfortunately the one on the left is a beautiful celery green not the color shown in the picture. 

All of the above is to explain why I didn't finish my goals list last week. So here's what I did get done. But I definitely made forward progress. 


Make Nov BOM from Quilting Life - nope! 

✅Finish quilting customer quilt - finished and returned 

✅Remove papers from string blocks - started but lots still to do

✅Work on Halloween blocks - forward progress made

Trim melodic Mystery HSTs - some done but a lot more to do

And, here's this week's list.  I need to start focusing more on the grands' ornaments. Christmas is only 5 weeks away.  I'm trying to decide if I want to finish a top to give to granddaughter #3 for Christmas.  I'll decide soon. 


Finish trimming Melodic Mystery HST and work on November clue 

Make Nov BOM from Quilting Life, and blocks for FCQ Equilter

Work on grands’ ornaments

Halloween quilt as time permits 

Rehearsal and concert for Heritage Singers

Yep concert season is starting a bit early this year.  Mid December we have another concert with the bigger county group. Luckily we don't have an additional rehearsal for it. 

Here's where I left the Halloween blocks last week. My friend Beth and I figured out how I could use most of the blocks.  I may want to make it larger as it is right at 36" square when finished.  Time will tell.  It is the November APQ UFO.  Who knows whether I'll actually get it done or not. 

I'll end with this visitor who was hanging around when I came down to the studio today. 
Yea, eeew.  He's not leaving so I'll have to remove him probably tomorrow. I'm off to stitching group today. 

I'm linking up with the following parties: 
Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. well I hope you had no damage at the house after you got to it!! Glad the storms missed you it is so hard to figure out where the storms are when you are driving - other than knowing the rain is there I mean

  2. Yes it is very hard to see tornadoes from the road, and especially if they are rain-wrapped. Fortunately most hurricane spawned tornadoes are not as powerful, but that is no comfort when they hit! Glad you avoided bad weather. Love your Grunge purchases. I have a little plastic container with a piece of stiff paper that I use to re-home bugs, spiders, and flies to my garden! That is a cute little fella but I wouldn't want him getting too cozy. ;) Thank you for sharing your fun post with To Do Tuesday!

  3. Certainly glad you missed the tornadoes! Nice purchases at the Rusty Crow: I love grunge fabrics.

  4. That sounds like quite a journey down to the beach house, but a beautiful rainbow to greet you when you got there! Still, there are lots of green checkmark on your list. Your Halloween quilt is so cute!

  5. Oh boy I hate being out on the road when it's stormy weather, especially in an area you are not familiar with. Hopefully your beach house didn't have any damage. As long as you moved projects forward you didn't do to bad;)

  6. Well you had a very busy week really and lots of plans made. Nice shopping! I didn't realise you are doing the Quilting Life BOM as well. Will be looking forward to seeing your block.

  7. You definitely had a busy week! At least you didn't have to drive through hail to get to the beach house. That rainbow is really spectacular. Good luck with this week's goals. It's going to get harder to get things done with holidays approaching. Good luck with all your plans and decisions.

  8. How awesome to be singing with a group. We get messages on our phones too and they can sound scary. But I do hate tornado talk especially since we had the Deroche go through here and take down a lot of trees. Beautiful and unusual double rainbow. Lucky to get a photo. Love those Halloween blocks. I think you made great progress and it is a busy time of year for sure. Good luck with the new plans too.

  9. "Rehearsal" caught my eye -- hooray that you can get back to singing!

  10. LOVE the double rainbow - it does look hard to see the tornado!!! and you are not supposed to be near them !! haha!!! your Halloween quilt looks great!

  11. I hope you do finish your Halloween quilt sometime because it's so cool! Love it. That double rainbow was sure a blessing. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. Love the Halloween quilt. Hay, I have witchy legs just like yours.
    Hope your visitor was harmless. He/she is big and furry looking to me.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.