
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Monday MeanderingsTo 11 - 7 - 2022 Or To Do Tuesday

I am totally flaking out getting my blog posted on a regular day.  Sigh.  But here it comes late on a Monday morning. Um, it's coming to you Tuesday morning.  It was a great week for sewing. Up first is my goals for this past week.  It was a pretty good week with one squirrel. 


✅Finish Traffic Jam to top stage -- done! 

✅Work on different Halloween blocks -- several made (see below...) 

✅Work on Oct Melodic Melody mystery clue -- HSTs need trimming

Border Oct UFO Challenge tops -- Ugh, didn't get to this again! 

Order backing for Oct. UFO top —found another backing in my stash!


Traffic Jam is a great way to use a lot of 2.5" squares.  Here's the link to the pattern at Pat Sloan's web site. If this doesn't work go to Pat's free patterns page and scroll down to find Traffic Jam.  I like that she shows it with various colors of background fabric.  I chose to make it smaller by only making four blocks -- it will probably go to a child when done. 

Here are the extra Halloween blocks.  I have a slew of 6" blocks but they don't really play well together when lined up.  My thought is to make a bright center of 6" blocks and then add the others as a border.  I think it will work. Here are the center blocks I've made. I had fun figuring out easy blocks that would brighten up the center of the quilt. The eyes, the legs and the purple ghost on the bottom right were all part of my bounty from Equilter's group several years ago. The rest are new ones I made. Did I mention I have a LOT of Halloween fabrics?  

The above is as far as I got on Monday.  Fast forward to Tuesday. I was able to go to the stitching group in the community.  We always have some fun conversations and get a bit of stitching done.  Generally, that's where I've been working on the kids' Christmas ornaments the most.  I started quite a while ago but I only have 2 of the 4 mostly done. The third is started but I haven't even traced the 4th one.  They are a lot of fun but I won't be showing them until after Christmas.  Luckily they generally go fairly fast -- except the one I'm working on now that has a ton of beads on it. Better get sewing. Yikes ... Christmas is only 6 and a half weeks away. Are you making Christmas presents this year?  

Now for my plans this week. I'm already a day short so I'm cutting back my plans somewhat.  HA! It looks longer than usual but most are pretty easy and fluid. We'll see what gets done. 


Make Nov BOM from Quilting Life 

Finish quilting customer quilt (Last week's squirrel project)

Remove papers from string blocks 

Work on Halloween blocks 

Trim melodic Mystery HSTs

Work on grands' Christmas ornaments

I don't know how well I'll do with all of these.  I've got lots of things happening taking up my sewing time.  But at least I'll have a list of where I'll spend my time if I have much of it! 


We voted a couple of weeks ago. I'll be happy when the political ads are off the airwaves.  

Let's see which Linky parties I'll link up with today. 

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

MidWeek Makers

Wednesday Wait Loss 

I'll be back to link up to the two Wednesday blogs. 

Remember to vote!

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. it doesn't matter what day you blog - nice to see your post when you do. I'm tired of politics and disgusted with the whole political scene

  2. The Halloween blocks are colorful and fun! My sewing has been stalled by life. Hopefully, I can sew borders on a QOV that’s been in the works for weeks.

  3. I love your Traffic Jam quilt! It looks like it would be a good stash buster. Good luck on your to-do list.

  4. Some weeks we just have more time than others don't we. The sewing will still be sitting there waiting patiently for us. I'm going to enjoy watching your Halloween quilt come together. I was contemplating adding some Halloween fabrics to my stash as I don't have lots of them, and then decided I'll wait on that til next year.

  5. Looks like you've been having so much fun sewing that there just wasn't time for a post! I always enjoy seeing what you've been up to. The Pat Sloan quilt design is a fun one, and the Halloween blocks, too! We also voted a couple weeks ago - glad to have that taken care of.

  6. Christmas is sneaking right up! Gah! Making gifts? Maybe one or two. The time just goes too fast. Good luck on your to-do's!

  7. You have some really fun Halloween fabrics. It's going to be a really bright and fun quilt. Good luck with this week's to do list.

  8. I really like your Traffic Jam. I went ahead and bought her updated version with different sizes. I like your Halloween blocks! Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  9. Love those Halloween blocks! Can't wait to see the other blocks surrounding them in a fun border. I bet this will be so cute! And yes, you have a lot of Halloween fabrics, but who cares? They're fun. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss, my weekly show and tell linkup.

  10. great to see traffic jam and your matter the day!

  11. I missed a whole month of getting a post up. I love the traffic jam. That would have been another good idea for all the little squares I had. I'm down now to the final few, to be made into hotpads.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.