
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Monday Meanderings 3 - 20 - 2023

I wish I had put read 4 books on my goal list last week.  Yep...I did spend a bunch of time reading this past week.  And my finished (or even worked on) list shows it.  I did jump off list for one little sewing spree.  But I'll share that later. 

Here's last week's list. 


✅Add border to sea life quilt -- Finished, put in the to-be-quilted closet.

✅Make more FCQ Equilter blocks (picture below) -- all done.

✅Work on Rainbow Scrap blocks (picture below) -- one done. 

Start working on APQ UFO Challenge #11 -- I "thought" about it once."

Cut out another 3 yard quilt -- I actually drew out a pattern and figured if I had enough fabric to do this quilt. Don't know when I'll actually cut it out.

Eh, I really wasn't very motivated by the end of the week.  And, honestly, I am forcing myself to even think about the UFO challenge quilt. Here is this week's list. (Note - I tell a little more about the challenge quilt below.) 


Finish pink and start green RSC blocks 

Design UFO Challenge #11, rough cut shirts 

Baste baby quilt and start quilting 

Cut out another quilt

First up the pics of what I did get done.

These are for the FCQ Equilter, Nancy. I didn't measure the blocks but I think they are 4.5 x 12.5".  I was FaceTiming with Sharon while we were each working on these blocks.  I was going to do 6 but somehow cut out 7 so I evened them up to 8.  It'll be fun to see what Nancy does with the blocks.

Here's the one (yes 1) RSC block I've done for February.  I like the block idea but honestly it's time consuming to make and have it turn out well.  I am thinking of just making 1 per month and then put sashing between and possibly borders and call it either a baby quilt of a wheel chair quilt.  I'm having an issue cutting these with the Accuquilt cutter.  I think I might have had one piece of fabric the wrong way. Most of the time the fabric needs to go length of fabric to prevent it from stretching the fabric. Additionally,  I am going to think about fixing the issue at the top center below.  (Of course that doesn't mean I'll actually fix it.)

My squirrel project came about from picking up a packet from my quilt guild on Wednesday.  Along with various sizes of quilts, walkers bags, dog beds and other miscellaneous items we make, we are making NICU Hearts. These are small hearts made out of flannel that moms of babies in the NICU can wear next to their skin for a day. Then the hearts are put in the isolette with the baby.  Evidently it helps the baby bond with its mom. I'm excited to work on this project but I really want to use my own flannel.  I have a LOT of it. One draw back, it uses a 4" Accuquilt heart die, which I don't have.  But a friend does so I hope to borrow hers and then keep a pile at the ready to work on for a while. 

Above is the heart sewn, right sides together.  I've left a space to turn it on the right. Below is 5 of the 11 little hearts that came from the guild. 

The pink one with the flowers was my first one.  I used a decorative stitch to make it a bit cuter.  However, one of my friends mentioned the NICU she gives to doesn't want anything but a regular stitch keeping them together.  Evidently the extra stitching can bother the baby.  I'll ask our charity chair to check with the local hospital to see if that is an issue when she delivers items to them.  

In case you didn't realize it the March APQ UFO Challenge for March for me is make a tee shirt quilt from my son's tee shirts.  He gave me two bags.  I separated them into college rowing shirts and running and biking shirts post college. EH. There are a lot of shirts. Hubby and I made some decisions about how to arrange them. I'm probably going to make this a two sided quilt with the running and biking shirts on the front and the college shirts on the back.  It may be so heavy that no one will be able to crawl out from under it when done!  I need to take time to measure all the shirts and decide how to put them together. Then comes the rough cutting and fusing interfacing on.  I'll also need to buy some fabric to go with the shirts.  I only want to get to the point of having the shirts interfaced along with the layout design this month. I have the rest of the year to actually make it.  Pictures will come after I get the front of the top done. (By the time that is done you will have totally forgotten about the project!) 

I'm done for this post.  Please remember to check out more quilters' blogs by going to these Linky parties. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Musing 

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

I'll be back to link up the other parties as they become available.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Oh hell, now I want to read!!!

    Keep in mind, you don't have to use batting at all in a T-shirt quilt, especially if it's doubled! Think about maybe a flannel "batting" just for stabilization. That'll cut way back on the weight of your project. Also, sometimes a light-weight throw is just the thing needed for a night of hanging out with the family and watching TV from the couch. It's the love that carries the most weight in this project.


  2. When Georgia had us doing the hearts they wanted minimal stitching because the babies are too sensitive and too much stitching would irritate the skin

  3. I like the blocks very interesting - I had not seen anything about the nicu hearts - what a sweet thing

  4. The hearts are a lovely idea. Is the center unit in the long flying geese block made with a square-in-square or two geese?

  5. cute little hearts. I have never made a t-shirt quilt I must admit I have never been interested in them, I've been asked to make several over the years but always turn them down

  6. I love your NICU hearts - such a sweet idea! The flying geese blocks are neat, too. Is everyone contributing to a group quilt? And when you say that you read 4 books, I always want to know what you read! Any recommendations?

  7. I love the fun colors you used in your blocks for Nancy. The hearts are just another good way to use up some flannel;) Good luck on the Tshirt quilt!

  8. The NICU hearts are adorable. I haven’t heard of the program. It will be fun to see what Nancy does with the blocks. I hope she shares photos with you.

  9. Love the little heart idea! A perfect squirrel project--make as many or as few as time allows!

  10. but!! were they good books? They must have been if you couldn't wait to finish them! I like those flying geese blocks - I wonder what her plan is

  11. Bonnie Your Geese blocks are such nice, bright pops of colour with the contrasting black.. I do like that RSC block. Drunkard's Path blocks can really be a pain to get exact! I love the NICU Hearts. What a sweet idea that must bring comfort to Moms when they have to leave baby behind. You are going to two side the tshirt quilt? I thought I was the only crazy one. :). I do hope you are having a good week and even taking time to read as well as stitch. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday

  12. Our guild has makes hearts for the nicu but I think they are much bigger. It would be much easier with a die for the accuquilt.

  13. Love the story behind the NICU hearts. So they are not stuffed with anything, just flat? I like your geese blocks and your start on the RSC block. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  14. Those little NICU hearts are so cute and what a great project. Your flying geese blocks are really pretty too. I think you did well with your goals. Like you, I was lacking motivation last week to get a lot accomplished. At times like this, I'm glad to get anything done! LOL Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings. Have fun with your goals this week!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.