
Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday Meandering 4 - 17 - 2023

Monday has rolled around again.  I didn't get any other blogs posted this week.  And, honestly, I don't have much to show you but I can share some things with you starting with my goals for last week. Eh, let's just say a squirrel carried me away from what I "thought" I wanted to work on! No info on the squirrel this time but check back Sunday when all will be revealed. 

Last week's goals... not a lot of check marks. 


✅Make more RSC blocks in green and purple

✅Make plan for big flying geese blocks and start doing it! 

Clean up cutting table, put away 2” squares — I did clean up the squares but honestly not much else! 

Begin sewing grape quilt together — decided I’d save this for sew ins 

Pick another top to quilt on domestic machine; prepare backing

And now this week's goals...


Quilt cupcake top

Sew “squirrel” top together, part of the UFO Challenge

Finish purple RSC blocks 

Pick a new project to cut out or look at an old project 

Hum, reading these two lists I realized I didn't really have a squirrel distract me -- I have been working on the flying geese from last week's goals. But a lot of things went to the wayside while I worked on them. 

One thing I did was go through my box of orphan blocks.  My guild is collecting 12" blocks to start making charity quilts with. Here are a group I'm planning on donating along with however many additional ones I can make in the next few days. 

The two on the right I made especially for this block drive.  The ones on the left were in the orphan box.  The top left photo has 4 blocks of the same design pinned together. It is called Bright Hopes and is a good beginner block. It uses partial seams to make each of the 4 blocks that make up the pattern. Here are some directions to use, Bright Hopes by Generations Quilt Patterns. Hum, maybe I can make a few more before the meeting? 

I've been reading and listening to audio books a lot this past week.  A Special shout out to Diann who blogs at Little Penguin Quilts. She recommended the book The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.  I had to put it on reserve and it finally came my way.  I found it fascinating.  Its tags are Fiction, Literature, and Science Fiction.  Say what?  I didn't realize it was considered science fiction until I was well into the book.  It grabbed me.  .  It's an interesting story.  Just a note -- at my library there is a 6 month wait or more for the book but only 3 weeks for the audio book.  I tend to check both media as I enjoy both and can often get a book earlier.  Now I'm whipping through a book called Lost English Girl by Julia Kelly, another book that gripped me from nearly the first page. 

So with those two reading recommendations, please remember to spend some time checking out my regular blog parties:

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings 

To Do Tuesday 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Our guild had a great Orphan Blocks program with Joan Cain. Great ideas. I could not get into The Midnight Library....sometimes a book just doesn't click.

  2. Such lovely orphan blocks that you are donating. Woo hoo on getting all of last week's goals completed. Sounds like you have a very busy week ahead of you. Happy quilting.

  3. Some interesting blocks for your orphan blocks drive! I don't have many of those, unless you count 16 blocks made for a Leader and Ender quilt and then never finished!! Those, I have several sets of!!!!! Have a good week!

  4. Go squirrells haha!! I really like your blocks!!!

  5. Beautiful Orphan blocks, Bonnie. Don't forget to show us the quilt(s) when they are used

  6. So no longarm back yet? What is holding it up?

  7. I thought The Midnight Library was a fascinating book - glad you enjoyed it, too. You have to stick it out to the very end, I think, to get a good resolution of the story! I like your donation blocks - a good variety. I'll look forward to seeing your squirrel project!

  8. Those are beautiful blocks for your lucky guild! Sounds like a good week for reading for you. Looking forward to the squirrel reveal!

  9. Bonnie it's good to see the progress you are able to share with us. Love the orphan blocks and I can't wait to see your squirrel project. Thank you for linking withTO Do Tuesday. Hope this week is going well for you.

  10. How cool to find a good home for a few orphan blocks. The books sound interesting, I'll have to check out the two you listed. Happy stitching/reading this week. Hopefully you'll do much better on your to do list this week.

  11. The two blocks on the right are my favorites. The one on the top looks complicated to make but you made it perfectly!

  12. Fantastic orphan blocks, Bonnie! I know some person will feel very blessed by the guild's generous heart! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.