
Sunday, June 4, 2023

Monday Meanderings 6 - 5 - 2023

It's an exciting week for us.  We leave for Europe at the end of the week.  We'll be cruising around the Baltic Sea and visiting quite a few countries in the area.  I am betting this week will zoom by and we'll be starting our latest travel adventure in no time.  In the meantime, I've got finished goals to share and new goals to list. 

Here's what I wanted to get done this past week. 


Hem a couple of pairs of pants — Found out I didn’t need to hem one, the other needs to be washed first and I keep putting that off! 

✅Make 2 Flower Song Blocks -- 2 done, 3 to go.

✅Finish 3 orange RSC blocks -- All three done, on to June's blocks. 

Put border on grapes quilt -- Done and extra fabric put away. Quilt is in the to-be-quilted closet.

I was very happy with what I got done. I spent a bit of time this afternoon working on the 30 Something blocks to get a head start on them. 

Here's a photo of the two Flower Song Blocks. I'm probably going to try to fix some of the seams in the yellow one to make it look a bit better. 

Here's my goals list for this week. 


Put binding on numbers quilt

Clean front end of cutting table 

Work on Thirty Something project

Organize handwork for trip

Attend a wedding 

Fly to Europe! 

I'm actually going to try to get some sewing done this week before the packing for the wedding and the trip start. The wedding is a destination wedding to Maryland's Eastern Shore.  My goddaughter, daughter of my bestie Sharon, is getting married. The next night we fly out for London.  It seems odd to be catching a cruise from South Hampton but that's where it goes from.  Hopefully our bodies will acclimate to the time difference quickly.

The APQ UFO number for June is 1. That means I will be working on a really old project called Thirty Something. (I have no clue what it is actually called!) The book it is from is called Thirty Something and the ruler is also called Thirty Something as it is using a 30 something angle.  Here's the pattern I'm using. 

And, here's all I had done. I've gotten enough units made today for another 4 or 5 of the star blocks.  I was thinking I would make it 42 x 60" so it can be donated to a senior through the guild. The star blocks are 6" finished so the set will be 7 x 10. It works as a leader ender so I might work on it during the July retreat. (Of course being gone for about 2 weeks in June does cut into my sewing time.) It is a good pattern for using scraps.  Luckily I had saved a big hunk of the background fabric so I probably won't run out of it.  

I'm hoping to make some sort of dent in my scraps.  But, honestly, I doubt if I'll be able to see any difference. I definitely need to move some of these blocks around as there is way too much pink in this small section. 

That's it for me tonight.  It would be good to get to bed a bit earlier than my normal time. Please visit the following Linky parties to see what quilters across the world are working on. 

Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musings

To Do Tuesday

I'll be checking back on Monday and Tuesday to link up to the other parties. I hope you have a quilty week and move lots of projects forward!

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I like your flower blocks, especially the yellow one. The star blocks are beautiful. Wishing you a safe and relaxing trip and cruise - it sounds so exciting!

  2. I like all your blocks but especially the Thirty that a Gayle Bong design? Hope you have a great time at the wedding and your Baltic Cruise...a Baltic Cruise is on my daughter's bucket list!

  3. How fun! Defintely sounds like you'll have a fun June, just maybe not in the sewing room. You did so well with last week's list. Fingers crossed you get this week's list all checked off. Your June UFO is really fun, but boy that's a lot of pieces per block! Happy stitching and vacation prep this week.

  4. What a fun quilt to work on! I never make leader/enders because I start a quilt and finish it completely most of the time!

  5. Oooh have fun on your vacation and at the wedding! Love these kite blocks and looking forward to the finish! Thanks for linking up with us at Monday Musings!

  6. A busy week ahead - I’m sure the days will go by in a flash. Have a wonderful time at the wedding and on your trip. Safe travels.

  7. Attend a Wedding AND Fly to Europe!!! Your list is ambitious. Hard work but I am glad you are on top of it :-P Have fun and have a safe trip home.
    Thirty Something reminds me of Corner Beam blocks. Similar, if not the same. The angles may be different.

  8. Your trip sounds exciting! I love the Thirty Something quilt block design. It will be a busy week for you - if you manage some sewing that would just be icing on the cake!

  9. Lovely vacation plan--hope all travel is smooth sailing.
    Love the new/old project. Always good to get a UFO off the ground again.

  10. Enjoy every minute of your trip - sounds amazing! I love that new/old project.

  11. I've been across the pond a bit but hubs has been all over the world MANY times and he (and other experienced travelers) insists that the absolute best way to acclimate to the time is to try to sleep on the plane and then jump right into their schedule--no matter what. It's hard, I know but I made the mistake of taking a nap when I got there once (because I hadn't slept at all) and I was messed up and groggy for days. Enjoy your trip! I hope it's wonderful! I'm sure it will be!

  12. Whoa - you did get a lot done... but your trip!! SOUNDS AMAZING!!!!

  13. Europe! How exciting! Your week was very productive, especially as you’re probably also preparing for your trip! Your Flower Song Blocks look fabulous to my eye. Very well done!
    How wonderful to have such a great trip planned in conjunction with making happy memories.
    Those Thirty Something blocks are so very pretty! Slow but steady with your scraps will yield results. A friend of mine has made seven quilts this year from her scraps!
    Take good care!

  14. lovely projects and the stars is especially appealing to a wonderful...enjoy to the max!

  15. By the time you read my comment Bonnie, you will be in Europe! Congrats on getting as much done on your list last week. Lovely blocks. I really like those scrappy Thirty Something blocks. Hope you managed to do everything on your list this past week, enjoyed the wedding and are ready to have the most incredible vacation. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.


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