
Sunday, July 9, 2023

Monday Meanderings 7 - 10 -2023

Another week has zoomed by. Did it go by fast for you too?  I spent most of it trying to get everything ready to go on retreat Wednesday.  I completed several things on my goals list but not everything.  But I'm ok with that.  And there is always another week to finish the items I didn't this week. Here's how I did on last week's goals.


Finish cutting out ✅Two by Two blocks & ✅String Bean Blocks. 

Make more blocks for FCQ Equilter — Nope - didn’t do anything on this.

✅Cut out more background fabric for 30 something.

✅Quilt something on Ruthie — the Moose in Winter is quilted. 

Figure out fabric in and out since I last reported it for 2022 — Nope nothing done.

Two by Two ready to be sewn.

And on to this weeks goals:  


Finish stitching on needlepoint 

Go to retreat and enjoy sewing with friends

Finish all Flower Song blocks, put the center together

Make progress on Two by Two, String Bean, and 30 Something blocks

One thing that wasn't on my to do list was buying a ridiculous amount of fabric at the JoAnn's sale last week.  Honestly, almost everything I bought I had a very specific purpose for. Kind of. I overbought a little bit because I liked the fabric. But I scored some Fabric Traditions fabric for $3.00 a yard.  Yes it's a bit old but it is new to me and I have plans for both color ways I bought. The blue geometric is a backing and the green speckle is part of a 3 yard style quilt. I'm not sure what I had planned for the blue speckle. I've been going through white on whites like crazy so I added some new ones. The top two solids I'm going to use to make some lotto blocks for the October retreat. 

When all was done I saved over $75. For some unknown to me reason I paid only $1 for the light blue solid - 1 yard of it. Weird. It's all washed and waiting for me to use it. 

Do you overpack when you go on quilting retreats?  I always have at least one or two more projects than what I need.  I use a list to make sure I bring everything I need.  I should use it to pack up too although I don't really pay attention to it after I get there.  And I must make a mental note that I make sure all tools are marked with my name. 

On to more pictures and information about Kiel, Germany.  We were in port for two days so we had more time to see the city. What was cool about our berth this time is the city center was within walking distance of the ship. Many times the excursions we take are bus tours. In Kiel we had a bus tour and a walking tour. First some information about the first tour on the bus. 

We visited the Laboe Marine Memorial. Originally it was built to memorialize those seamen who died during World War I. In 1945 it added those who died in WW II. In 1954 it was rededicated as a memorial for the sailors of all nationalities who were lost at sea and at the same time a memorial for peaceful sailing in open seas. 

236' tall Marine Memorial. There is a viewing area at the top. I am claustrophobic so I did not go up to see the view.  

We walked underground to the other side to view another part of the memorial. This was a solemn place with flags from around the world and little displays of artifacts. Very moving. 

Walking back to where the bus was parked I snapped this photo at what looks like a pine tree. 

This is a Monkey Puzzle tree also known as a Chilean pine. According to The Spruce website it has been on earth since the dinosaurs. It can live up to 1,000 years. One fact I found interesting is the leaves are not needle-shaped. "Instead, they are leathery, broad, and dagger-like and can remain on the tree for 10 to 15 years." I wish I had seen the leaves up close. 

Laboe is situated on coast of the Baltic Sea. It has some lovely beaches that were in full use when we were there.  The weather for most of our trip was mid 70s to low 80s. One weird thing we found in Laboe was that most small food stands didn't take credit cards.  We didn't travel with Euros so no ice cream for us that day! 

Kiel was hosting Kiel Week, or Kiel Regatta, is the largest sailing event in Europe.  There were quite a lot of boats out and about on the waters that we past.   "While Kiel Week started out as a ship racing championship, it has long since become a large festival with many popular bands playing on public stages." (You can read more about Kiel Week on Wikipedia where this quote came from.)  Evidently across from our berth was one (or maybe two) of the public stage as we could hear the music from our balcony. 

Pat said these were full size hot air balloons but they sure didn't look it from the balcony.  

Next Monday I'll tell about our second day in Kiel when we took a walking city tour, went to a beer tasting and did a little shopping. I was surprised how little free time we had so not much shopping was done. 

Now, I'll be linking up with my favorite Monday Linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. It's hard not to add fabrics when they are on sale. You got some fun ones. Sounds like a very fun excursion in Germany. Looking forward to hearing about your walking tour.

  2. I did not know about the sale at Joann's, it's a good thing! Looks like you scored some great fabrics. I am truly enjoying your trip travelogue! I've never been on a quilt retreat, so enjoy it for me too. :)

  3. I was right there with you on shopping JoAnn's sale last week😁. Can't help it when a good sale happens!

  4. Kiel looks cool - and I see the Hot Air Balloons ;-)
    What great fabric finds you had!!
    Yep = I overpack - you may just need something - and you want to have it!!!

  5. If I'm driving I tend to overpack because the car can always hold some more. If I'm flying I am more economical. I've been enticed by fabric ads (including Joann's) but I haven't caved. You got great bargains! Thanks again for the travelog. Enjoy your retreat.

  6. That's a pretty pile of fabric, and it all looks like it will be useful! I really like the blue and green speckles. Interesting to see more about your trip, too. Sounds like you had great weather!

  7. The speckle fabric is my favorite out of your purchases. I need to look for it the next time I go to JoAnn’s. The pine tree is interesting and almost looks artificial.

  8. Fascinating pics! I loved the info on the monkey puzzle tree!

  9. You made great progress last week, Bonnie! What a fun shopping trip to JoAnn's! I get an email from them but try not to even open it unless I REALLY need something! Too tempting! Loved the pictures of Kiel. I'm enjoying living vicariously through your lens! LOVE that Monkey Puzzle tree! I would love to have one grow in my yard! Thanks for linking up with us at Monday Musings!

  10. gee have fun on retreat....and what a haul! i've gotten stuff at joann's on extreme sales too...and i love that tree, it almost looks fake


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