
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Monday Meanderings - 9 - 25 - 2023

One week until retreat.  Things are getting done and progress is being made.  But I bet this week will fly by. 

I was busy all week and mostly with quilty things. Check out my goals from last week. 


✅Continue sewing secret items…  -- I'm about 2/3rds done.  

✅Cut 2nd new project for retreat -- see below, I'm ridiculous! 

✅Continue the clean up of the front of the cutting table -- I continue to trim, stash and throw scraps on the cutting table.

✅Finish getting Flower Song fabric cut so I can finish the top at retreat -- all ready to go.

✅Cut the background fabric and start the first third clue of Malted Mystery -- photo evidence below.

Work on Ombre Log Cabin as time permits -- I've been moving blocks around and I think I have a workable layout. Unfortunately, many of the blocks were sewn together earlier this year. Now I'm ripping and moving a few blocks. Should be done by Tuesday as I don't get any sewing done on Mondays. 

And, yes, I did get all of those things done. Here's my Malted Mystery clue minus the gazillion half square triangles. (Ok, I only made 48 HSTs and still have another 64 of a different size to make. But, they weren't used in the units we made this month. So I'll do them as time allows.) 

I talked my friend Sharon into making last year's Meadow Mist mystery quilt and we did them while Face Timing.  We enjoyed it last year so we've continued doing it this year. We try to sew together once a month or so anyway.   

I would share a photo of the 2nd new project for retreat except, um, er.... I can't find it. I know I cut it out. I know I put it in a zip lock bag. I know I put it somewhere. And that is all I know. I've been looking off and on for a couple of days and it hasn't shown up. OH GOOD GRIEF! It was a very simple quilt using some Charlie Brown and Snoopy squares.  I'll let you know if I find it. Sigh. 


Cut new project for retreat 

Finish sewing secret items…

Prep Ombre Log Cabin by finish sewing rows together, cut setting triangles

Quilt one of my small quilts or do an embroidery 

Continue the clean up of the front of the cutting table (I think this is going to be a permanent reminder....) 

Every Monday I go to a hand stitching group at the community clubhouse.  I've actually been finishing some old projects off and on.  And, starting some new projects.  Last month I focused on making a couple more hats for children.  Here's another one where I used some fun furry yarn. (Nope, not going to do that any more. I was lucky enough to use it all up with this hat, thank goodness.) 

This is probably a toddler size hat. I'm using a fairly small loom ring to make these hats. I'm really trying to make a dent in my yarn stash. (You can see another crazy, furry hat here.)

Three hats. I made the two in the front and a friend made the one in the back. These are easy to do and, yep, they use up yarn! 

I'm done in today.  So I'm moving right into the Linky parties I'll be joining. (I try to link up early Monday or Tuesday mornings to the links that aren't available Sunday evenings. Sometimes I forget.  Usually I remember eventually. If I remember...) 


Oh Scrap

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings

Sew and Tell 

To Do Tuesday

I hope you have as much fun seeing what folks are working on as I do. Yep, it does get me into trouble because I want to make quilts like the ones I see.  I'm trying to be strong but I'm not having much luck.  Sigh, again. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Ya put that project in a very safe hiding spot didn't you!! If you are like me it is right by your fingertips yet we can't see it, LOL. Have a great week and I hope you find it;)

  2. Pretty to see knitting, too! The links lead to inspiration and that is a good thing!

  3. love that star block in purples and green what a wonderful combo - good luck finding the project that you can't find - you can find it :)

  4. Great to hear all your projects are moving along! I am soo tempted to start on hats but, believe it or not, I don't have a yarn stash! LOL

  5. Nice to see the green check marks! The hats are cute. (I am knottingly-impaired so I don't knit or crochet. My role is to admire.)

  6. That's a lot of checkmarks - way to go! Your Malted Mystery blocks look good - pretty colors. I think I have some of your background fabric in my stash! Have fun getting ready for your retreat, and hope you find that missing package.

  7. Great job on your goals! Check your sewing machine trolley or case for the Snoopy blocks kit. I usually put retreat things in mine so I don’t forget to pack them.

  8. Whenever a friend misplaces something, she will pray to St. Anthony, the saint of the lost... "Tony, Tony, look around... somethings lost and must be found." Shortly after, she happens to find the lost item. It seems silly, but it works for her. ;) Thanks for sharing in the Sew & Tell.

  9. You did great!!! Love your malted mystery colors!!

  10. loving the colors in malted mystery....and adorable hats that'll be loved no doubt!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.