
Sunday, January 21, 2024

Monday Meanderings 1 - 22 - 2024

I'm surprised we are already 2/3rds through January.  Are you?  I've been keeping busy either reading or playing in the studio.  I know I've worked on quilty things this week but I only have photos from a previously finished item.  First  I'll show my goals from this past week. 


✅Bind 30 Something & Strippy quilt - Strippy still needs to be bound. 

Load and quilt another quilt — didn’t happen! 

✅Work on Appliqué quilt — decided on setting and began sewing.

✅Make more Bow Tie blocks - one more finished! 

✅Start ripping out row of Ombre quilt — done.

Cut out a bricks quilt — lots of bricks cut out but not planned yet.

I did start a new project that will remain a secret for the time being.  I've included it in my goals for this coming week. 


Work on secret project

Start on Malted Mystery January clue

Continue appliqué quilt 

Finish cutting out and planning brick quilt

Make more green RSC Bow Tie blocks

Here's the second to the last quilt I've finished -- our grand, E, is being my quilt holder for these pictures taken last weekend.  I am a big fan of Happy Blocks as shared by She has several sizes -- I just pick one size and cut the framing pieces to fit the center. You can find her directions here.  Look on the side listing for more Happy Block sizes and ideas.  I generally use multiple fabrics for the centers and frames.  

Nothing like adding a cute pup to draw attention to my quilt. Meet Chewy. He lives with my son's family. But we get to visit him every once in a while. 

I bound this quilt with a magenta and black stripe fabric.  The backing is an older Hoffman fabrics floral.  Most of these blocks came from my FCQ Equilter group.  I was very happy to find a decent backing and binding in my stash -- especially since I've had both fabrics for quite a while. 

As I was looking for the directions on Mary's web site I had to take a look at a couple of other quilt instructions.  I don't really need additional ideas for quilts but I did see one or two that would use some of the things I have -- like half square triangles and hearts.  Nothing is going to happen on these for quite a while though. (If ever!) 

I had another successful week of 15 Minutes to Stitch.  I think the snow and cold made me stay inside a lot! I know this isn't going to continue but I'm enjoying it now. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Jan = 21/21days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 21/21 days
  • Success rate = 100%

That's it for me today. I hope you spend some time surfing the internet to see what quilters are working on across the world. Try these Linky parties to do some blog hopping. 

Oh Scrap!

15 Minutes to Stitch

Design Wall Monday 

Monday Musing 

Are you looking for Mystery Quilts and Quilt Alongs?  Check this post for the January listing. (Yep, I was really late getting it done but there are several interesting events going on.) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. Great photos of Miss E and the quilt. I was thinking (in the getting-ready-to-wake-up time) that January has been long yet it's speeding away. And here you are with Monday meanderings on Sunday evening! LOL.

  2. Love that bright and colorful quilt. Congrats on the finish. You've done well on the stitching time so far. Happy stitching this week and good luck with your to do list.

  3. You have a great quilt holder and attention getter!! so cute!! i love those blocks - they are so happy!! And right?? How is it already the end of January - that threw me!!

  4. Miss E, Chewy, and the quilt are adorable!

  5. I like E's pose in the last photo:) Time is flying for sure.

  6. Congrats on the finish! It's such a bright and happy quilt. End of January already? Yep, time is flying. Happy quilting week!

  7. Congrats on a successful stitching week! Miss E and Chewy make great quilt models! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!


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