
Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday Meanderings 5 -- 6 -- 2024

It's a late start on my blog this week.  It was a really full tiring weekend so I went to bed early instead of writing it Sunday night like I usually do.  Surprisingly I did get all my goals accomplished this week. So here's last week's goals. 


✅Bind quilt — done!

✅Sew sashing on pinwheels, sew quilt top — done trying to decide about borders 

✅Make more bow tie blocks — Many finished with more cut, ready to sew

✅Knit more hats — another 2 or 3 done 

✅✅Sing at Spotsylvanians rehearsal and 2 spring concerts — LOTS of singing done this week

I've changed the layout of the bowties this week.

Will you look at that? I'm missing a block in the second to last row. Never noticed until I looked at the picture on the blog. My goal is a 7 x 10 setting. So quite a few more to make. 

Here's what I'm planning to do this week.


Finish Ombré log cabin top

Keep making bow tie blocks

Continue processing scraps/fabrics on cutting table … fold and replace or cut into usable sizes 

Attend ‘Annie’ in Maryland where 2 grands are performing

I hope to figure out and do whatever is needed to finish the Ombre top. I decided I didn't like how big it was and I took it apart to remove one diagonal row. It's been sitting in a back room waiting for me to start on it again.  This is the week.  It should be a fairly easy fix and then I'll sew the two sections together.  (Or at least I hope it is easy.) 

Week ending 5/5:

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/April =  2/2 days 
  • 15 minute days/May =   5/5
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 119/126 days
  • Success rate = 94.44%
Not a bad week considering how busy I was.  Most of the stitching is knitting on hats.  Although I did finish several bow tie blocks too. 

I realized I haven't been keeping up with my fabric usage versus fabric coming in.  I finally finished March statistics.  Yea! More fabric used than brought in.  Don't think I'll have such good results for April, but I might be surprised. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







I'm posting this late so will only share one picture from the Costa Rica trip.  This is the house we stayed in while in Monteverde.  The other two houses looked pretty much the same.  It was a nice set up in a lovely setting. 

I'm going to link up with Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings

And here's one last photo -- me, and the rest of the sopranos singing our  hearts out at our concert.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. The choir photo makes it look as though you're singing over your shoulder, very flirty-like. Of course, we both know what a terrible position that is in which to sing!

    Carolyn (in another Sweet Adeline chorus, with their uptune happily ear-worming away in my head)

  2. What a bright quilt that will be!

  3. What a cool house to stay in!!! I love to take photos of my design wall quilts for just that reason! Beautiful work in the choir!

  4. Not quite a tree house but almost! Bowties are such fun blocks. Glad you're singing again.

  5. Always a good feeling when we use more than we buy right? Well it's always a good feeling when we find some pretties to follow us home too, LOL. Good job with the goals!

  6. Great metrics across the board. Hope this week is as productive.

  7. Sounds like a great week - I like the bowties!
    that house looks like a house on a house - super cool!

  8. Great job on your goals. I really love those bowties! What a cute house you got to stay in in Costa Rica! Fun! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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