
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Monday Meanderings 7 - 29 - 2024

Are you keeping up with the Olympics?  If truth be told, I haven't been watching.  But Sunday night I've been watching the swimmers and the gymnasts.  There have been some great competitions.  

My big question now is how did I do with my goals this past week?  Not bad at all. 


✅Finish Boxes and Bows baby quilt to top stage - done but forgot the pic!

✅Quilt customer quilt - finished.

✅Put inner and outer borders on forest animals quilt - did but ...

✅Finish current hat being knitted - finished and turned in.

Spend 15 min a day cleaning cutting table - √√√√√ 5 days out of 7.

Um, it is just too much border! I'll be taking the gold border off and recutting it down to about 3". (I think the borders were cut 5.5".) The pictures of this quilt in the book 
looked fine with the wide border but I think this gold just over powers the center.  I may take it to stitching group tomorrow to rip it off. 

My time cleaning up was actually only done for two days. I kept setting a timer for 15 minutes so I did get an hour and 15 minutes done.  I counted that as 5 days.  Although I know I cut some fabrics and then put the excess away, I don't think the space looks much better. I need to keep working on that but I'm not putting it on the list right now. Hopefully I'll do at least 15 minutes every day or so this coming week. 

I'll try to get a picture of Boxes and Bows baby quilt to share next week. And now, here are this week's goals...


Quilt one of my quilts 

Remove Forest Animals Easy Attic Windows borders & replace with smaller ones

Start another knit hat

Make RSC blocks for July and FCQ Equilter blocks

Make more kid’s snowball blocks, make into top as part of UFO Challenge

Here are a few of the FCQ Equilter blocks for MaryBeth.  She asked for blocks of a sea glass color.  I'm thinking many of these aren't quite as light as they should be. The dark corners are navy blue while the opposite corners are white.   The sample quilt she showed us looked amazing. I've got more to make up but I don't have many of the lighter colors she wants. I'll be doing another stash dive to see what I can find. Hopefully there will be some more lighter blues and greens to balance all the golds. 

I'll send all of these when they are all done only because I'm hoping she gets other darker versions of the colors and my darker ones will look good with them. 

I've been neglecting the UFO Challenge recently. I've been more focused on getting quilts done and keeping up with other things.  Today I realized that the July quilt is a snowball block and would be pretty easy to do this week. I need to make about 9 blocks and then sew all of them together.  I have a die to cut the snowballs and corners with so at least the cutting should go fairly fast. Deciding the fabric to use will take longer! 

I'm back to stitching every day this week.  Several days there was a lot of stitching going on and others just barely the minimum.  Here are my numbers. I'm hoping to stay in the 90% for the whole year.  

W/ending 7/29 — 210 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 27/28days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 202/210 days
  • Success rate = 96.2%
Did you know as of 7/29 we are more than 57% through 2024?  I was surprised to read that but I guess I shouldn't have been! 

I'm linking with Stitching Stuff at Life in Pieces, Oh Scrap at Quilting is More Fun than Housework, Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, and Monday Musings at Songbird Designs. Take a look at the various bloggers who link up at these parties. 

Not much else is happening around here. We've had a break in the weather for a few days -- only in the 60s at night. This coming week will be a mix of high 80s through mid 90s. (That doesn't sound all that good actually.) At least the air conditioner works well and takes a lot of the humidity out.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I used to 'suffer' in a warmer house than was necessary until I reminded myself that I worked many years and saved many dollars so that I could enjoy the luxuries of life when I retired. Crank that AC when you need to!

    Oy--I need to commit to cutting-table cleaning! So many scraps that need cutting down, and they've reached 'overwhelming' status. Just a few minutes a day....


  2. Are the lozenge blocks set in rows as in this photo? The dark/light corners are quite contrast-y. We had a couple of cloudbursts roll through this afternoon which should reduce the humidity. I've tuned into the Olympics sporadically.

  3. I haven’t watched any of the Olympics other than news highlights. I prefer the Winter games. Have fun working on your projects his week.

  4. I have not been watching the summer Olympics - I'm always much more interested in the winter games. I always seem to be so busy with other things that I don't sit and watch tv in the daytime and when it is evening I forget about them and want to watch my shows/movies that I am more interested in.

  5. I've not been watching the summer Olympics this year. Normally I do, but for some reason I've just not had time. The gold might be OK if you added some of the red (or similarly toned red print) you used in the frames as a narrow (2") stop border. You've done well on the stitching time front this year. Good luck with your to do list this week.

  6. We are back to hot upper 80 and humid, ugh. I have not watched any of the Olympics. About your gold border, why not just cut it down while it is on the quilt instead of ripping and then cutting?

  7. I don't watch the Olympics either--I like the wide border; it looks like a frame to me. I think the colors need to be more muted for the sea glass-jewel colors that have been lightened by the water/sand action, jmho!

  8. You got a lot done!! Way to go.
    I am not a fan of the yellow as the border - I think maybe a different color would look good big, but the yellow should be paired down ( thats my subtle way of agreeing with you haha!!) - I watched swimming yesterday ....

  9. I like that forest animals baby quilt! I think you're right about the too wide border, though. I've had to do that with borders - cut them down to make them less overpowering. We've only watched the Olympics in bits and pieces - every once in awhile I see something amazing - like Simone Biles nailing a vault over the horse!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.