
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Monday Meanderings 7 - 8 - 2024

It's been a hot week and I'm guessing it will be nearly as hot this week.  That means it's perfect weather to spend time in my quilting studio -- in the basement. I did spend a lot of time in my cool basement. And, a lot of stitching was accomplished.  Here are the details. 


✅Make small bag — finished the two fronts, on to the lining.

✅ Keep working on seaside top — more pieces have been sewn down, more threads tied off. 

✅Process more scraps—made a little dent mostly cut by hand rather than by my Accuquilt. 

✅Bind Spinner — done.

Cut out a kit for retreat — started on a half log cabin using 2” strips. 

I didn't take all that many pictures of what I was working on from my goal's list this week. 

I did work on a half log cabin by cutting the various pieces to the correct size.  Here's a sample block -- it always helps to try the block out before spending hours cutting out more pieces! 

This doesn't represent my plans as it is quite color co-ordinated. This photo is pretty dark compared to what it really looks like also.  See my piles of pieces below. I started by picking fabrics from my 2" strip drawer. I've also pulled some fabrics from miscellaneous boxes of scraps, fat quarters, and my scrap baskets. Happily, I've seen a real dent in the 2" strip drawer and other locations in the studio.  Here's part of what I've cut already. 

I am using Sharyn Squire Craig's book Design Challenge: Half Log Cabin Quilts as my source for sizing and sizes.  I took a class from her sometime in the mid 1990s.   I haven't decided if I want the top to be 6 x 8 (48 blocks), 45 x 60",  or 6 x 10 (60 blocks), 45 x 75". Blocks are 8" unfinished.  I figure I'll need 432 pieces or 540 pieces depending on the size.  That's a lot of pieces. 

What I didn't plan on was quilting a top for a customer.  Nancy needed it quickly so I decided to get it done ASAP.  It was a joy to quilt -- I enjoy quilting pretty quilts. Here's a section of it. 

She chose Easy Peasy Baptist Fan by Naomi Hynes.
Thread was Omni White. 

Next up is what I hope to accomplish this week. 


Keep working on seaside top

Finish small bag 

Cut another kit for retreat 

Organize and pack up retreat supplies 

Make backing for a quilt top

And now, my 15 minutes of stitching results:

W/ending 7/7 — 189 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/July = 7/7days
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 182/189 days
  • Success rate = 96.2%

I'm linking up with my regular Monday Linky parties: Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings.  I forgot to link up with Design Wall Monday and Monday Musings on Monday morning like I normally do. Oops. Hope you can spend some time checking them out now. 

We've enjoyed watching hummingbirds come to our feeder.  I was able to get this picture with my cell phone. (Does anyone have a real camera any more?) 

Anyone know what type a hummer he is? (Or maybe she.) We get two hummers who have squabbles over the feeder.  I enjoy watching them and the birds at our other feeder.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie  


  1. I love me some dents! My 1.5" square stash is seriously depleted, and I'm quite happy about that.

    Only two hummers squabbling? We have a real a-hole of a male who sits in a central tree and supervises all three of the feeders, chasing off any other hummer that dares try to feed. What a supreme jerk!

    Would you believe I own a "real" camera, the kind that uses actual film? Can you still buy actual film?? I'm at a loss as to what to do with it. It's got a great bag and several specialty lenses, and is like a squatter in my closet. I need to get off my virtual duff and see if there are programs in the local penal institutions that might could use equipment like this.


  2. On Friday, I focused on processing my scrap piles, and cut anything smaller than a FQ. It took me two days, but I’m happy with the resulting stacks of squares - all hand cut. Nancy’s quilt is pretty!

  3. How nice you could finish up your customer quilt quickly for her. Yes I still have a real camera, well digital, that's what I use most of the time for taking quilt pix. Happy quilting this week!

  4. Great job working off those 2" scrap strips!!! Nancy's quilt is so colorful!!! (It's strange to talk about another Nancy!?!) I think most of us just use cell phones for photos these day--so handy!

  5. I enjoy watching the hummers squabble over the feeders too. Your half log cabin block looks fabulous. Beautiful strips of fabric that you will be working with. Looks like it is going to be a fun project. Woo Hoo on meeting 100% of your goals. I wish you a productive and fabulous week.

  6. Your sewing work is great... I can see that I have to work more precisely :-)) We don't have a quilting tradition here, I moved from sewing bags to sewing clothing for myself to quilting... it's so wonderful working with the many colorful fabriks. I haven't been sewing for very long, I used to knit fair isle.
    Happy week to you. Viola

  7. Ohh that is a pretty top that you quilted!!
    I like your half log cabins, and all those colors - its going to be wonderful!

  8. The log cabin blocks are pretty--I like the piles of pieces for it, too! Nice job on the quilting for your friend!!!

  9. Congrats on all the sewing time and check marks on last week's to do list. I'm thinking of making a log cabin to empty out some of the strip bins, processing scraps means I have some very full bins.

  10. I love the fabrics you chose for your log cabin. It's nice to have dents in fabric scraps! Mine just seem to keep growing LOL!! Your quilting on the customer quilt is lovely! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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