
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monday Meanderings 9 - 9 - 2024

It's been a week.  You'll see by my goals I didn't get much done.  Either that or I went off goal a bit.  I thought I had a lot of quilting time this week but both Saturday and Sunday had only limited stitching going on.  Let's look at what I wanted to get done! 


✅Keep working on grands’ ornaments — a little more done.

✅Finish seaside top  — worked on but not finished yet.

Border old purple top — didn’t start.

Make blocks, if needed & lay out happy quilt — took out the blocks but nothing more! 

Quilt another top if I have time — Nope, didn’t happen but got the backing ironed.

I did get the first row of 2.5" squares around the panel but notice I didn't put it on my goals list. What was I thinking?  It took longer than I thought to sew on the strips of squares.  

I did get the last stitches into the Seaside top. I have a lot of threads to tie off on it.   But my motivation has been low tying off the thread.  I'll spend some time this evening finishing those threads.  And then I need to figure out how to face it rather than bind it. 

Here's what I think I'll work on this week. Time will tell if I succeed!


Finish one more of Joan’s blocks and mail them

Quilt customer top

Finish Sea Side Village 

Make happy blocks and plan layout

Cut another quilt kit 

Keep stitching on the ornaments

I'm hoping I can get all that done. Time will tell. 

I skipped my stitching group Monday while I made a dish to take to our street-wide  Labor Day party.  I did spend some time reading and finished a book or two.

By the time Saturday came by I hadn't done as much as I thought I would. We spent most of Saturday at a session on leadership and looking to the future of the Spotsylvanians Community Chorus. It was interesting but no sewing was involved! 

And Sunday wasn't any better sewing-wise. (After I finish this I'll need to stitch for 15 minutes still!) But it's been a terrific day.  We have been looking to adopt a rescue West Highland Terrier.  And, we were approved to get one this past week.  Miss Sunny came into our lives this morning.  She's needs a lot of tender loving care until she looks like a Westy.  She has a problem with her skin which made her lose her hair. It's a pretty common thing with Westies and is definitely treatable. 

Here's what she looks like now. 

Here's what she looked like before the issues. 

We've got some challenges ahead.  For the next week she needs to be bathed every day with special shampoo and then we need to massage in a mousse. You can't tell from her current picture but a bit of her fur is making a comeback on her back and the top of her head. She's also very underweight. But she is a real cuddle bug.  I'll keep sharing photos of her so you can see how she is progressing.  She's two years old.  She's not had a lot of experience with grass so that is a bit of a challenge to get her on the grass for her business. We took her for a walk to the end of the street and back and she's totally wiped out next to me on the couch. I'll put her to bed when I'm finished with this and my stitching time. 

Here's my stitching info for this week. I made the assumption I will get 15 minutes done.  

W/ending 9/8 — 252 days in to 2024. 

  • 15 minute days/week = 7/7 days
  • 15 minute days/Sept = 9/9
  • 15 minute days/2024 = 243/252 days
  • Success rate = 96.4% 
I'll be linking with: Life in Pieces, Oh Scrap, Design Wall Monday, and Monday Musings.  Hope you can do a bit of surfing this week. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Your fabric colors for the panel border is great! Your new pup will keep you busy, think she will enjoy your sewing room?

  2. The squares really worked as that next border. It does always seem that borders take so much longer than I think they should. Have a great week. Good luck with your to do list.

  3. Bless you for rescuing Miss Sunny. There's always a lot less dog under the fluffy fur! Will you keep the panel quilt square or add to the top and bottom for a rectangle? Ah, group leadership and sustainability. A problem with ALL the organizations I'm in. (Our AAUW president is in her sixth year. The quilt guild had a heckuva time but did get a new president. Etc.)

  4. Aaah Miss Sunny is adorable, Bonnie . It is so wonderful that she has found a new home with you. Your quilt on the design wall is gorgeous. Love the colors. A street wide Labor Day celebration sounds wonderful ; I bet you had a grand time. Have a fabulous week working in on your projects. Hugs.

  5. Miss Sunny looks sweet as can be! I hope you can get her skin problems solved. Until then she will fit right in with we elders whose hair is thinning and are getting lots of wrinkles! Happy sewing this week!

  6. Awww Sweet puppy ! she will get lots of TLC from you - and flourish ;-)
    Your block is really pretty!

  7. Sometimes we just don't have as great a quilty week as we least I don't! Miss Sunny is so cute. I know she will be well loved and will improve. Our rescue (part Aussie shepherd mix) had skin issues as well and they were treating her with Decadron in the shelter. When we brought her home we started giving her a dietary supplement, Dinovite and before long her coat was thick and beautiful. There is another one called Ruff Greens but we haven't tried it. We figure hers was from being malnourished because they were unsure how long she had been on her own before they picked her up. That might be helpful for Miss Sunny. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.