
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Another Snow Event

It snowed overnight.  It must be mixing with rain because it is quite noisy.  Usually you don't hear snow like rain.  When I got up at 6:30 the driveway was clear. Pat gets up early for work but he was up even earlier as he ran on the treadmill, cleared the driveway and was at work by 7 am. And, tonight he is dishing at a community Thanksgiving dinner.  He'll be asleep within 30 minutes of coming home! 

Today's agenda is mostly house cleaning.   All surfaces will be vacuumed/dusted. Kitchen floor will be cleaned. Bathrooms will be cleaned and that is it!  The puzzle is still being worked on -- less space is undone but still not easy to slap those pieces in.  I am using the kamikazi method -- swoop in try to get three or so pieces in and leave.  The bumblebee quilt is in rows so today or tomorrow I will sew the rows together.  Oh yes, I need to clean up the sewing room so all three of us can work up there.  I plan to continue to cut out the rag quilt.  I've been working on batting squares a bit but need to step it up if this is actually going to be done by Christmas! (and to be shipped out also!) 

Have a great day.  And, happy quilting if you can fit it in!  Bonnie

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