
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day Before T Day

Yesterday between 3 and 4 I scraped off whatever snow was left on the driveway.  Unfortunately it is a fairly long driveway and was about 2/3rds covered with snow.  I felt very virtuous for clearing it off.  I was also slipping like crazy at the end of the drive.  

Fast forward 15 hours or so.  I got up to a driveway once again covered in snow!  Probably not even an inch.  We decided it would melt off as the temps were to  be above freezing.  Thank goodness cause there was no way I could scrape it off again!

No sewing for me today.  It was baking day.  I made two pumpkin pies, an apple pie and a batch of cream de menthe brownies. Yum.  I purchased 3 aluminum pie plates -- designed for one use than toss. Yikes.  It created a problem when I poured the pumpkin pie into the pan and then tried to put it on a pan to put in the oven.  Imagine the pie plate bending in half making a perfect little spout for the pie filling to pour out.  Luckily I hadn't started moving over the floor.  Just pie filling on the counter.  Oh fun.  Eventually got it in the oven and cooked.  They smell quite good.  Although I'm not a pumpkin pie fan.  I'll be eating the apple pie myself.

I don't know if we'll get some stitching time tomorrow or not.  But, I will get a bit of knitting time.  I don't buy quilt kits because I enjoy picking my own colors.  However, I did buy a sweater kit some years ago.  So many years ago I'm not sure how long I've owned  the darn thing -- probably more than 10 years.  It was quite a surprise to me though when I ran across it while going through the box of yarn.  Easy decision. I decided to make this sweater.  I may not like it when done though.  I'll have to see.  I started on the back and I've knit about an inch and a half. 

Enjoy your stitching or your celebration.  Happy quilting. Bonnie


  1. o my I could not imagine pouring my pie filling out,, but once had a friend that had a huge bowl, about enough for 4 pies on the counter and one of her cats tried to jump up on counter and caught the edge of bowl... it was ALL over the kitchen.. bad kitty. sometimes we have to chuckle.have a great Thanksgiving

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Bonnie! I bet your house is cozy warm and filled with love. I enjoy reading your blog.

  3. we have ALL tried that once or twice; learned MY lesson, now I put the pie pan IN the oven ON the rack and then POUR in the for custard too...don't ask me how I know...LOL


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