
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bird Update

Quick Update 

A little wood pecker visited the feeder today.  Of course, there is no way I can tell if it was the one who flew into the window or not -- but I'd like to think so. 

Spring Quilt l
Woowoo... blocks are made.  It is now on the design wall for me to figure out color placement.  I won't have the whole day tomorrow to work on it but I will get some more done.  

Y Other Odds and Ends Y
I've been working on a string x quilt from  The strings are done, the sides are sewn to the strings, the blocks are cut to the correct size.  And, tonight I pinned them in groups of 2 so I can sew them as my enders for the Spring quilt.  Do I feel organized or what?  

I hope to get more done on Spring! tomorrow -- the first day of spring! 

Happy Quilting All  Bonnie

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