
Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Few Pictures of Quilting Stuff

I promised pictures of the other two bags Jenny made when she made mine.  Here are Emily and Becca showing off their new purses.   And here's a salute to the Cricket Buddies.  What is a Cricket Buddy, you might ask?  A person who became a great friend over a high school biology assignment. I think it is tres cool that they still get together when they can, especially since they live from Boston to DC on the eastern seaboard. 

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So how cool is this!?  Have you ever played with webdings?  I have in other programs but not in Blogger.  What do I find but the subject of my next picture!
Four Patches!  Here is the sample four patch I showed at guild Monday night to get people interested in the lowly four patch.  I don't really think it is lowly, but it certainly is easy!  
I was trying to create a dark diagonal line with both the smaller and larger four patches.  I think the smaller four patches succeeded but the larger ones weren't as successful. 

I have another purple piece with four patches and half square triangles but couldn't find it when I tried Monday afternoon.  Note to self: think about organizing all finished quilts somewhere.  This hunt, throw, lift, hurl system just doesn't cut it.

Upcoming on Institches with Bonnie:
Spring! wall hanging is cut out.  On to sewing today. Hopefully today I'll get at least half of the Spring piece done.  Photos of a four patch posie top that is being donated to Fido for Freedom auction.    

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 

1 comment:

  1. Love your 4 patch quilt. I think that the 4 patch and 9 patch may some of my favorite blocks. It is amazing how much you can create with such simple blocks.


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