
Friday, July 17, 2009

Taken Off Ruthie!

I just finished the quilting on this a few minutes ago. The pattern is from Mary Quilts. I made a couple of blocks a month ago to show my guild because it was going to be the block of the month. And, it was so addicting that I just kept going. By the time of the meeting I had 20 blocks done. I put it away for a few weeks and then decided to add to the blocks to make it a bit bigger.

Remember the pantographs I bought a few weeks ago? This is the Popcorn one. I tried it on a charity quilt first. It looked a bit rough but I am getting better, more even looking curves, better points. But not perfect by any means. I am happy to see that practice is helping -- a lot. Hum, I should get another quilt on the frame quickly to use this pattern but that isn't going to happen.

Looking at this now, some of those popcorn shapes look pretty darn good! This was so much fun to do. I will probably donate this to some charity but I want to enjoy looking at it for a while.

Next Up:
• applique roses ready to put on the Hanky Quilt,
• make and put the binding on this quilt
• finish the binding on the purple quilt.

I should have quite a bit of fabric used this month but that basket of fabric I won is putting a damper on using more of my stash. Maybe I will actually use more than I acquire but I am not holding my breath. Plus, there is that road trip with Jenny with hopes of hitting 3 quilt stores!

Happy Quilting All!


  1. Wow..that turned out great! Congrats on winning!

  2. Hi Bonnie, thanks for visiting my blog. :) Your popcorn panto looks great. I love that one and use it often. I've been having fun getting to know you. Raggs looks beautiful.

  3. your Happy Blocks look fantastic! Really cute!... and you are right, they do work up fast and easy... that is awesome that you made up a few more and also got to practice a new pano. :)

    BTW, just wanted to share mine that I made this year - inspired from Heartstrings project.. Looks a lot like yours ;)

    So glad I foudn your blog from Splitting Stitches ;)

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.