
Saturday, August 21, 2010

I've Done It Now!

I like the wider designs now available for Blogger and decided I would redesign my blog a bit.  Hey, I'm somewhat bored -- in a waiting mode (hurry up little grand baby -- I'm sure mommy and daddy would love to have you visit in person...).  But when I made the changes I lost my counter.  ARGH... I love my counter, I wish I had copied my counter... help!  Anyone know how I can gather my info back?  (heck, does anyone remember the "name brand" of my counter -- I sure don't!) 

Here's what I've been working on.  You've seen the blue and yellow quilt before. The little Amish quilt was purchased as a top.  It languished in my studio for YEARS before I thought about using it for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative.  How to finish it -- I found an old purple solid that went well and used it on the front and the back.  (Question -- hum, that old purple was from a log cabin quilt I made in a class with Eleanor Burns probably in 1982 -- it seemed like it was still in good shape and didn't fall apart while quilting.)  I used a cotton variegated thread in a shell pattern and then a square inside the center square of the shoefly blocks.  Finished it up in time to ship to Marge at Delaware Quilts for her challenge.  Printed out the registration form and started reading it... # 1 was quilts must be no larger than 9" x 12" (not even a little bit) ...  OOPS -- the Amish Shoefly came out 9 1/4" square.  Rats.  So the little blue one got sent along to Marge, Registration Goddess, and then will be sent on to AAQI.  

So, what to do with a 9 1/4" square quilt with a label indicating it came from the Delaware Quilts challenge.  Except, in reading Marge's yahoo groups I'm not the only one with a bigger than required quilt.  And, Marge's answer was send them along as they will be used.  Rats.  It's here on the counter.  So after I get a few more done I'll send it along.  

I am really impressed with the new blogger editor.  It is SO much easier to put photos where I want them.  I love the wider layout.  But, where, oh where did my counter go? Sigh. 

We are still on baby alert. Jen's doctor doesn't think she'll go another week (and that was as of TUESDAY.)  I'll keep you posted!  

Happy Quilting All! 

1 comment:

  1. I like the new set up and I like the mini you didn't send. Hope you will send it another time!

    And waiting takes forever. My first born kept people waiting 13 years.. and then had the nerve to be a ten month resident in me!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.