
Friday, August 20, 2010

Jefferson Vineyard

Our friends the Makis arrived Friday night for several days before they dropped Sarah at school. Last summer she was the recipient of this quilt. After hanging around in the morning we finally started out to see one of the historic homes near Charlottesville. First we drove by Pat's office and saw this lovely train.
Next we drove up to Charlottesville and oops went right past Monticello. And turned in at Jefferson Vineyards. It was packed. We decided to skip the tasting and settled on the deck with a nice bottle of white wine. It was really lovely sitting outside under the trees with a nice breeze blowing. I think it really helped being overcast. This is Kirk, Sarah and Pat -- after we'd had our bottle of wine and some yummy dill crackers. Poor Sarah, no wine for her.
Lisa and Kirk getting ready to leave.
This is the wine tasting building. We didn't go on a tour although I would like to go back and do that. It is a beautiful location. You can see the patio where we sat under the trees on the right of the picture.
There is a garden on the road into the vineyard. The photo shows some more of the rolling hills in the area as well as the garden. I'd like to go to Monticello again -- it's been years but it was too late to do that on Saturday. And, James Madison's house, Montpelior isn't far from Monticello. (and another good quilt store if I remember correctly!)
Needless to say no quilting was done this day. But it was totally enjoyable day. And, doing a bit of research to write this I realize how much is around this area. No doubt we will work our way through the Jefferson Wine Trail and visit other venues the area offers.

No overwhelming plans for this afternoon. Things I could do:
• cut some more pieces for the million pieces quilt
• start the 1800 quilt
• make Kathy Tracy's little quilt for Challenge 10.
• see if I have enough fabric to make the jacket - - - hum.
• prep a project bag in case it is time to go wait for the new baby to show up.

Happy quilting all!


  1. What a lovely day - tasty wine, good company, and new adventures.

  2. sometimes you just need to do other things-I think it helps to get away from the sewing/quilting and then come at it fresh.
    The weather was so beautiful this week-low humidity not too hot I've just wanted to enjoy it. Before long it will be cold again. oh-boo.


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