
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August Stashbusting Report

August Stash Report

Fabric Acquired: 2 1/2 yards
Fabric Used: 1 yards
Net Fabric Acquired  : 1 1/2 yards

Year To Date Report
Fabric Acquired:  28 1/4 yards
Fabric Used: 29 1/2 yards***
Net Fabric Used:  1 1/4 yards

*** I decided to put my numbers into a spread sheet in Excel and oops, there was a subtraction error in June so my total fabric used is the same as last month.  

But, I am still happy dancing as I have still used more fabric than I bought.  Hopefully I will have a couple of finishes that will help use up some fabric.  Plus I have a couple of pillow cases cut out and will be making and donating.  I've decided that is a really good way to move fabric!  

After looking at last year's statistics I see a few trends going on.  A) I'm not buying any where near what I bought last year.  B) I'm not finishing as many projects as last year.  Or maybe it is because I am making smaller items now so they don't use as much fabric.  Last August my year to date numbers were 81 acquired and 63 used.  I'm quite pleased that I'm not buying as much but I'm not happy that I'm not finishing as much.  

So, what explains these two trends. BUSY year.  Much of April and May was spent traveling. And, then there was that move in June.  August was pretty much a bust sewing-wise.  But, I'll be the first to admit the reasons were fabulous -- visits from friends and family and the darling new grandbaby! 

Here's what I'm hoping will get done in August: (make that September!)
• Million pieces quilt will become a top
• 1800's quilt will become a top and be part of a quilt sandwich! 
• Some UFO will be dragged from its hiding place and get worked on
• More than one pillow case will be done for charity

Sorry for being wordy today.  No pictures to share although maybe I'll get a picture of my stash and add it at some point.  But now, it's on to laundry and cleaning the kitchen floor!  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Morning Bonnie, thanks for stopping by! When the new year started, I made the committment to keep track of my stash, but, somewhere along the line--maybe after the first of February!!--I gave up! Haw Haw!

    Catch you later!

  2. I have to honestly ask Bonnie, how do you know how much fabric you have? I think it would take me weeks or maybe months to figure out how many yards or partial yards I have in my stash. Did you keep track of it as you purchased them? Sorry just wondering. I have made a big start in getting mine used up, but still have no concept how far I have to go.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.