
Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Labors

Besides waking up at 5:15 AM with Raggs woofing next to my bed, today is turning into a great day.  The weather has been mild with low humidity... either that or we were up so early it is cooler than what the rest of the day will bring.

Last week before Sharon arrived I was able to whip through the quilting on this little Quilts For Kids quilt.
Sharon and I had a great time together and got lots of stuff done.  I quilted one of Sharon's quilts for a Faithful Circle Quilters Project Linus Challenge.  She originally was going to use it as a backing but decided to get a backing for it and I volunteered to quilt it while she was here.  The blocks are a bunch of different sports -- soccer, football, la crosse, golf.  Each participating member of FCQ got a brown bag full of coordinated fabric that had been donated over the last few years.  Sharon had a lot of fat quarters in the bags she took. 

One quilt made the trip south to be bound and so I could see it.  The fabric was all transportation of some sort or another -- cars, trains and trucks with some road signs thrown in.  Sharon used various road signs to highlight the fabric and continued the motifs in the solid square. Some youngster is going to LOVE this quilt. 

Sharon will be quilting this next one at home.  She had to piece the backing that we bought on Thursday afternoon. 

Saturday we were off to visit a local quilt store before she drove home. 
We were at Quilter's Corner, a great shop in Midlothian, Virginia.  They were having a big anniversary celebration.  We watched demos on Texture Magic, a 60 degree ruler (the one I have recently purchased) and a double diamond ruler.   This very unusual ruler produces a nifty design that is incredibly easy and fast to do.  If you like unusual rulers/techniques check this one out.  

We each made a pillow case for the Million Pillow Case challenge. And, a bit of shopping and a lot of ogling.  A quick lunch and Sharon headed on home.  We're not sure when or what our next adventure will be but  I'm sure I'll be seeing more of her because of coming up to visit Sophia.  I'm looking forward to visiting Sophia for a few days next week.  (And, taking lots of pictures to share.)  

I am ready to get back to my quilt projects for this month: 

• Million pieces quilt will become a top. I'm in the process of putting the blocks into rows.
• 1800's quilt will become a top and be part of a quilt sandwich! 
• Some UFO will be dragged from its hiding place and get worked on. Bought fabric to add to a little applique wall hanging to turn it into a quilt. 
• More than one pillow case will be done for charity.  One was finished and donated. 

So on to the piecing endeavors.  I still need to do the bringing the back  over binding on the Quilts for Kids quilt so that I can get it in the mail tomorrow.  Then I will focus on the Million Pieces quilt and the 1800's quilt.  Lots to do! 

Happy Quilting All!  

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