
Monday, November 22, 2010

Design Wall Monday 11/11/10

I am late this morning but I did succeed in ordering a holiday sweater.  I've been talking about it and finally decided to actually do it.  Yea. 

I am back to working on bow ties.  Ok, so I haven't finished the last bow tie work... This quilt is being made to use a 2 yd piece of fabric I bought at the guild auction.  I was going to cut it up to make foundations, then I decided maybe I should use it as a backing.  It's "sweet" not my usually cup of tea.  Pink and blue flowers with green leaves on a white ground.  I thought, hey, I can do a pink and blue and green bow tie quilt.  I'm sure I've got lots of bow tie blocks already made that would work.  I want to set it 6 by 8 so that it can be a donation quilt for a local hospital's NICU. One thing lead to another and now it is a rainbow. (well, not yet but it will be in color wheel order eventually.)  I've basically just slapped these on the wall trying to get 8 of each color.  I did the oranges on Saturday.  I've got more yellows ready to cut. This picture is a great way to see how the colors work with each other. I'll probably do this as I get closer to an actual layout when I try to balance the lights and darks in each color. Although you can't tell every one of the oranges are a different fabric! 

The Million Pieces quilt is now officially finished (um, er, except for the label that is still upstairs. Maybe I'll sew it on tonight.) And, Mr. Turkey is nearly done.

I didn't want to do that last little bit last night after 5 as I was getting tired.  So, I started the hand sewing after I finished the Million Pieces quilt and got about 1/3rd of the binding hand sewn.  I am in a middle of a Harry Potter movie marathon as we're all going to see the new one the Friday after Thanksgiving. So, I am refreshing my memory.  

Today's big plans include some laundry, but mostly vacuuming and making beds.  Kevin and Aimee and Jenny, Brian and Sophia (woot, woot!) are coming for the holidays.  I've recently gotten new drapes for the room K & A use along with some pillow shams to go on the bed.  And, a new headboard.  So I need to get the tie backs finished, the shams on pillows and make the bed.  Both guest rooms are pretty well decorated (oops, except for pictures/wallhangings.) Next up will be our bedroom.  Harder, cause I have to decide on some colors.  Not to worry about now though! 

Make a point of visiting a bunch of other design walls by stopping first at Judy's Patchwork Times.  I'm off to clean, make beds, think about making cookies... you get the picture -- pre Thanksgiving planning.  


  1. I have always had a soft spot for bowties. They look great.

  2. Loving Mr Turkey! And I really like the bowties too, I've got to put that on my someday list :)

  3. Hi Bonnie,
    thank you very much for your nice comment. I've take a walk on your blog und have found many beautiful things you made. It's very interesting to see, what others are doing. I enjoy looking forward to hear and see, what you are doing. I hope you could understand my "German English".
    Have a nice day and take care

  4. Isn't it funny how quilts evolve. I would never guess, looking at your beautiful rainbow of bowties that they were inspired by a pink and blue backing fabric. These will make a perfect donation quilt.

  5. I just LOVE the colors in your bowtie quilt.

  6. Love the bow ties -- bright and cheery! :)

  7. Your projects make me want to start ones just like them...wait I already have my quota of WIP until January.

  8. Bright and cheerful bowties! Love it!

  9. Lovely bow ties, in such happy colors! And CONGRATS on finishing your 'million pieces' quilt!
    - Mary

  10. I'm working on a scrappy bow tie quilt too. For an alternate setting see Have fun with the family and Happy Thanksgiving!


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