
Friday, November 19, 2010

Turkey's a Top

Thanks for all the input on the border color.  I finally decided to go with the black as the border.  Then I did 3.5" squares for the next and final border.  It took me a while to find a piece of fabric bigger than a half yard to back this thing.  (Note to self... start buying 1 yard pieces!)  I am in the process of tearing off the stabilizer I used for the zig zag stitch.   Tomorrow I hope to spray baste him and then start machine quilting.  I am right on track to finish him before Thanksgiving. 

Yesterday's shopping trip was great fun.  Just because I bought another 4 yards of fabric as fat quarters doesn't mean it wasn't successful.  (Gah -- I'll never break even with my fabric usage this year!  But oh so fun to have new to me fabric.)  I ended up getting 4 fat quarters to use with some fabric Kevin gave me for Christmas last year. I've picked a block out for it so hope to start it soon. 

Millstone Quilts shop runs a huge fat quarter sale once a year -- and we hit it. All fat quarters $1.00.  It's tucked away in the country and a good distance from where we live but it was fun to visit.  It's in an old mill with a lovely stream running by which obviously powered the mill at one time. This picture was taken before they opened up and put some quilt displays around the porch.  

There were a couple of bird houses near the creek that looked so charming.  

The stream at the side of Millstone Quilts.  
I'm making good progress on hand sewing down the binding on the Million Pieces quilt.  It needs to be done by Wednesday so I can put it on the bed before Jenny and Brian come down.  So I will work on that again tonight.  I've also been working on a different bow tie quilt (nope, I didn't get the last one done.... I got distracted.) I got a 2 yard piece of fabric last weekend and I decided I could use some of the bow ties I already have and make some additional ones pretty easily.  Basically I am looking for another quick finish.  I really want to stay even on the new fabric versus the used fabric.  I think I brought in about 20 yards so far this month.  I'm looking at using about 16 thus the need to finish a quick bow tie quilt.  Either that or I need to make some more pillow cases.  Talk about needing some quick finishes!  

On to the binding now and/or taking out the stabilizer.  Have a great weekend everyone.  Happy Quilting! 


  1. I think Millstone Quilts is a beautiful place. I had to stop going there though because they use some sort of fragrances in the store and I can't stay in there more than about 10 minutes. Do they still do that?

  2. looks like a nice shop to wander out to.I like the black broder on the turkey,it frames it real nice.

  3. Oh, the turkey is great! lol You can't help but smile when you see it. I just love shops like the one pictured. I would much rather drive out of my way to visit a shop that has character than visit a run of the mill kind.

  4. Bonnie, I like the black border. I think I would bind it in black as well.

  5. I love it!! He is the most adorable thing ever!!! LOve the scrappy border.

  6. The black border really complements the turkey. I agree with Chris that a black binding would look nice, too.


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