
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stashbusting Shot to Pieces

Confession is good for the soul right?  Well, I'm confessing I went wild at the Country Piecemaker's auction on Saturday.  And, I only spent $23.  I figured I got about 16 yards of fabric.  The left photo shows most of the greens that I got while the right picture shows some of the other fabrics I got next to the pile of green. (The orange I bought at a quilt store on Friday.)  And in the back of the right photo is a bag with scraps in it. Yeah, scraps, several pieces were fat quarters.  And, a lot were pieces trimmed off quilts or left over binding.  

Now to start using some pronto.  I was going to be way ahead on my usage with the queen size finish this month but this has shot holes in my plan.  I made and donated two pillow cases to the Million Pillow case challenge. I've begun working on a little turkey wall hanging that I hope to finish before Thanksgiving.  And, I'm working on blocks for the back of a table runner.  Maybe, if I get all of those pieces done along with the Million Pieces finish I'll have used more fabric than I acquired.  Sigh, I was doing so well.  But, all the money was for a good cause.  

Visit again tomorrow to see something new on my design wall (even if it might just be the darn wonder under traced for the turkey wall hanging! 

Happy Quilting!  


  1. Great bargain!

    I look forward to the projects you'll make with this "new" stash.

  2. got a great had to!


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