
Monday, November 15, 2010

Design Wall Monday 11.15.10

Ok, so it is a design table today.  I was tired of taking pictures of the Trip Around the World quilt and I didn't get anything done on it.   I have started this cute little turkey wall hanging.  He's missing a lot of his feathers and his cheeks.   You can find him at Sindy Rodenmayer's Fat Cat Designs web site.  Scroll down and you'll see the turkey pattern.  Spend some time looking around as Sindy has a lot of fun designs.  I'm doing mine as a quick Wonder Under project.  Haven't decided on whether I'll use a machine buttonhole stitch or a zig zag stitch.  I may have to do something about the eyes as he looks a little alien.  And, to see if he looks somewhat authentic here's a turkey picture from Pennsylvania. 

Today I hope to get some more blocks done for the back of the table runner and get to the stitching on the turkey. 

Want to be inspired by what other bloggers are working on?  Go to Judy's Design Wall Monday post.  Pop around the various blogs to see what others are doing.  

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I think your turkey is adorable! And now I want one of my own..... can't wait to see your finished. :)

  2. That is going to be a cute turkey! And it is only one eye that's maiking look "alien". But, which eye will you fix???


  3. Cute Thanksgiving day project...gobble gobble!

  4. He's so CUTE! I want one -- uh oh, I see another spontaneous project happening at my place. Thanks for the inspiration (and the directions to the website)! :)

  5. It sure looks like a Turkey in the making - cute! Isn't it amazing who a quick 'new' project can get you going in no time - before you get back to a longterm old project again?


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.