
Monday, December 27, 2010

Design Wall Monday 12-27-10 -- Last of the Year

Not much studio time last week.  I did get these blocks sewn into rows.  OOPS some unsewing is coming my way today! 

I started two of these cute little baskets before I realized the instructions were wrong at one point.  The two shown on the right are about 4" too small.  The one on the left I made a year or ago using selvedges.  The instructions are at Pink Penguin.  If you make it with the pieced top as shown the directions are fine. It's where she says you make 2 6 x 2 patched pieces.  Actually the pieces are more like 9 1/2 by 2".  And, I won't guarantee that size cause I refuse to think that hard this morning. I finally figured out where I was going wrong and changed that measurement and got the little basket made. Now, what to do with the really little baskets! 

We drove up to Maryland to spend Christmas with Sophia and her parents.  Here she is with her new bear.  Yikes, it is bigger than she is! 

 Watch out Sophia -- Mommy might just want to steal that bear! 

Here's Sophia's bear with Mommy's bear.  Two Snuffles -- 30 years apart.  Grammie and Grandpa went a little wild with the size of the bear but we hope he will be well loved and snuggled. (And, a lovely trip around the world quilt too.) 

Today I will be spending time in my studio trying to finish the bow tie quilt.  Hopefully it will be done before the end of the month. (You know me, still trying to use more fabric than I acquire! I lucked out at Christmas and no one gave me any fabs...) And, I'll be getting ready for the annual Fabricholics Annonymous' New Years Eve Mystery. (sorry, but the group is closed until February.)  

Don't forget to pop over to Judy's site to visit more blogs showing off design walls. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Great photos you shared with us today. Sophie is so precious. Love the jewel tone colors in the bow ties. Happy New Year!

  2. Sophia is absolutely adorable! Love the bow ties! Aren't photos great for finding our mistakes....or as I like to call them, design elements. :0)

  3. sophie is a cutie-patootie! have fun sewing!

  4. Love the bears!! And the baby - how adorable!

  5. What a lovely bow tie quilt and a CUTE little Sophie!


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