
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Photos of Table Runner

This is Mystery #16 from Mysteries for Relay yahoo group that Marge runs.  I haven't done all 16 mysteries but I have done many of them.  My hat is off to Marge because of her creative fund raiser for the American Cancer Society.  Several times a year Marge sponsors mystery quilt weekends.  For each $5 donation to ACS through her site she says thank you with a wonderful mystery quilt.  And believe me Marge writes a very good mystery.  They are all very doable although some of us take longer than others to finish them.  With no further ado, may I share Mystery #16?  Point of clarification "Duck, Duck, Goose," on the left, is the mystery part of this table runner. I decided to make it double sided so added an easy block done in Halloween fabrics and colors on the back. 

I decided it needed two sided binding to look right.  So, here's up close on the bindings: 

This side is the same green print as in the rest of the blocks.  And below is the black side.  Way fun to do.  You can also see a bit of the quilting -- I did some ditch stitching from the Duck, Duck, Goose side and was happy to see it worked fine for the Halloween side also.  Now to get this ready to mail, well, honestly it is so late now it won't make any difference if I mail it next week.  
Blogger and I are having quite the argument over the placement of these photos.  Sorry about that.  I hate it when blogger wins but some times you just can't fight it. 

Yesterday I finished quilting the Christmas Pineapple Quilt.  I also got the binding  sewn on by machine. Just need to do the hand sewing on that.  I also started sewing together the next bow tie quilt.  I doubt if I can sneak into the studio today but if so, I'll do some more on the bow tie blocks. Hey, even if I get a row sewn that would be further along! Hum, wonder what I will use for the backing? 

Now, to finish the Christmas cards and get them in the mail.  My goal was to have them mailed before Christmas day so I may actually succeed.  

Happy Quilting All! 

1 comment:

  1. This table runner is beautiful, both sides, but Duck, Duck, Goose side is my favorite. Great job.


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