
Monday, December 6, 2010

Design Wall Monday -- 12-6-10

This pineapple top was started in a class with Jane Hall in, um, 1994 or so.  I was working at a quilt store and we were allowed to take one class a quarter for free.  So I signed up for this foundation pieced pineapple class. I hadn't taken a lot of classes at this time and I wasn't sure I would like the pineapple so I used old christmas fabrics I had in my stash.  Heck, you know the types -- basic calicos.  Of course I didn't finish the 9 blocks in the class.  So, every once and a while I would work on it.  

Fast forward about 3 years and I had finished all the blocks and had a plan for the borders.  But, of course I couldn't find any fabric that went with the 80's calicos.  After several years of searching I found a green.  I finished all the little angels I was going to use around the border, laid it out and yuck. You can check it out for yourself.  Didn't like it at all.  Don't worry, I just fused and cut out the angels no sewing. So came up with this border and auditioned it in a big size or a size that matched the logs on the pineapple. More to read here.   Yep, little ones looked better.  Sigh.  After deciding that I put it away again.  When I finished the bow tie quilt I decided it made some sense to pull out a project that I want to finish and use it as an ender.  Except I've been sewing more on this than the blocks for the back of the table runner.  Most of the pieces that are done are pinned and waiting to have another piece sewn on. And, I haven't really done any sewing since Friday. We'll see if I get bored with it again or if I get this UFO finished. Stop the presses or the computer or the sewing machine...  when I viewed the two previous posts about this border I realized I had liked the bigger one, not the little ones.  So why the heck am I making these itty bitty little pieces? Hum, why not go back to the big size that would take me way less time to make considering they are at least 2xs bigger than what I am working on now.  I'll let you know what I decide once I get back into the studio this morning. 

Today's plan is to finish all the blocks for the backing of the table runner. PUt them together and add whatever amount of extra fabric I need.   And, maybe get it basted.  (Depends on how long I hang out with the computer.)  The little pieces for the pineapple border will continue to get sewn.  I was thinking of doing them in groups of 8, which is exactly what the left corner is showing.  Who knows what I'll decide about that border!  

Don't forget to visit Judy's Design Wall Monday

Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Wow, Bonnie -- that's spectacular! Lots of work went into that! :)

  2. Whichever you decide, this is a beautiful quilt to that NEEEDS to be finished. I have never tried a pineapple block but your quilt is seductive.

  3. The pineapple part of that quilt is spectacular which is probably why you are having trouble putting it with the right border. Keep plugging away.

  4. This is really going to be great when completed and you might be kicking yourself that you'd not gotten it done it sooner!

  5. Love the pineapple center. I can't wait to see what you decide to do to finish this project.

  6. I love the pineapples! It's much too pretty to leave sitting in a box.

  7. The pineapple center is incredible. It will be fabulous when you are done :)

  8. Only 3 years into this Project... 80's fabrics? I have a few of those... Thank heaven for our Stashes! Thanks for visiting my Blog, It's only 19 days. opps. I wrote the post on Sunday night.

  9. I have to hand it to you to keep at this project through all the years! It will be wonderful when you've got it completed :)

  10. Love your pineapple quilt. Some quilts just keeps us spinning but they look great in the end. I adore the horns center in each square.

  11. That's going to be one gorgeous quilt!

  12. Gorgeous pineapple blocks. That will be a great Christmas quilt.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.