
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Moving Right Along -- Corners Done!

Spent part of Tuesday working on the corners for Christmas Pineapple wall hanging.  I know it looks like black is the dark color in the photos but it's really a dark green.  Here's what two of the corners will look like:

And the other two will look like this: 

I've got all the paper off the back of the blocks.  I should have put the borders on today but I spent my studio time doing a little clean up.  I went through a couple of plastic storage boxes trying to empty them so I could put my current projects in.  I have a box/basket for each project I am currently working on or have been working on.  When I want to switch over to a different project all I do is put all the pieces back into the box, cover and put on the shelf.  I've been trying to make a note of what I need to do next when I put it away.  When the quilt is done, all the left over fabrics get put back in the stash.  The box is ready for a new project.  

And, from the fabric I found in the two boxes I cut strips and squares.  Some I am gifting to another scrap quilter.  Just how many scraps do I need?  And, how small?  I figure anything smaller than 2" square I really don't want.  My strips are cut 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.5 inches.  I have a million squares cut at 3" but haven't decided what to do with them yet. Decisions, decisions.  

Still haven't finished the table runner but it is almost done.  Maybe I'll work on it tonight.  I want to show it at Saturday's guild meeting. 

Happy quilting all! 


  1. Beautiful - I like what you've done at the corners.

  2. Those corners are PERFECT! I just love how that turned out. Great job!!

  3. Nice job on the corners. They look great!
    Linda from Southern Illinois

  4. Just gorgeous all around! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Pretty, pretty, pretty! Those P blocks get addictive!

  6. I LOVE your pineapple quilt, it is beautiful. And your project organization is just like mine. I occassionally put a "to do" project in a box but if it doesn't get started it comes out of the box and gets tied up and put on a shelf until it is ready to get working. I do like the idea of putting a note inside the box telling what is supposed to be done next.

  7. That is the perfect corner for your border! I wonder if I will ever use up my scraps...I don't think so. Good idea to share.

  8. Hi Bonnie,

    I love the quilt, especially what you did with the corners.

    Those 3" blocks would make a good disappearing 9 patch quilt.



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