
Monday, December 20, 2010

Design Wall Monday 12-20-10

Something New/Old
This has graced my wall before and been replaced.  Today I put it up again because the wall was bare! It started as 9 squares but where I donate these likes bigger quilts so I needed to add some more.  I haven't liked adding a normal row so today I thought about breaking up the row. 
I added loose blocks I had hanging around. (Honestly, I still have enough blocks left over to make at least one more quilt this size....I make these blocks whenever I don't have another leader/ender project to work on.)
I have enough blocks already made if I unsew some of them.  I figure that will save some time so I don't have to find some fabric, cut, sew.  You get the picture.  Hum, now the big question is can I get this done this week?  And, if so, what do I put on the wall for next week??  It looks like the green one third one in from the right on the bottom might be too light.  It's green hearts on a white ground. If I have a decent green hanging around I'll change it.  If not, it's going in.  Don't forget to go to Judy's site to see more Design Wall Monday postings. 

I keep forgetting to take pictures of the finished table runner.  Soon, but don't hold your breaths! Update on the pineapple -- it's quilted except that lovely border.  Goll darn it now how do I quilt that thing?  In one start -- I don't want to tie off a million more strings! Or would tying strings be faster than the _|-|_|- I have planned? The middle horizontals should be at the top of the up and down lines. I was thinking of following the red, white, red section between the checkered board and piano keys. Clear as mud right? 

Today's plans are to get a few last minute Christmas presents.  And, to really buckle down and get our Christmas cards made and in the mail.  Which means a trip to the post office to buy stamps.  I'll be out and about for most of the day but I sure hope I have some sewing time. (note need to make C. cards... sewing time maybe non-existent!) 

Happy Quilting Everyone 


  1. What a happy quilt! I say just get it done! Whatever it takes to get it sewn together and into a finished quilt.

  2. Sure love all the bright colors.

  3. Bow-tie quilts are on my list of favorites. I, too, like the colors that you are using. Nice job.


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