
Monday, January 17, 2011

Design Wall Monday 1-17-11

Absolutely nothing new on the design wall.  

The only quilting I got done was on Ruthie and I ran out of bobbin thread with about 2' left to do.  I didn't finish it as I was tired and it was time to start dinner. 

Major cause of all this lack of sewing time was me coming down with the flu.  Luckily it was short lived.  But long enough for me to postpone my trip to Maryland. 

I did make it up for my visit on Friday.  Sharon and I worked on a couple of charity quilts for the guild. Saturday afternoon we went to Photo Scraps in Eldersburg to make some cards. We met up with my buddies Denise, Polly and Nancy.  We all had a great time. Later several of us went out to dinner.  It was so nice to catch up with these ladies who I had taught with. We used to get together quarterly to play with rubber stamping.  

The only other sewing I did this weekend was getting one more basket sewn on the background for my A Tisket, A Tasket quilt.  I couldn't find the finished blocks before I left so I will need to do some serious searching.  I think I have 4 blocks left to finish. And, I probably have some embroidery left to do on more than the four. I plan on hanging this quilt in one of the guest bedrooms so I need to get going on it!   

Don't forget to visit Judy's Blog to see what else is on people's design walls.  Stop back here next week for something new.  I promise I'll get going on something! 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Get some rest and allow your body to catch up with you.

  2. Oooh -- I love the colors in this!

  3. Hope you can kick this bug quickly and can return to quilting on Ruthie.

  4. Your quilt is full of nice happy colors. I'm sure it will be done soon enough. Sounds like you've had plenty to keep you busy.

  5. Feel better faster and I love your colors in the quilt!

  6. Love the blocks pictured. Be well, the flu makes me shiver. I didn't get the shot this year (reaction last year) and I really hope to doge it.

    There is always next week !!

  7. Sorry you were down with the flu. I hope you stay on the mend.


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