
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Finished Quilts 1 -- 2010

Here it is -- my first attempt to use Photoshop on my blog.  Or maybe the second.  These are the quilts and projects I finished in January through April, 2010.  Not all that many unfortunately. However I was traveling a lot in April 2010 so not much got finished then.    Although I have owned Photoshop for quite a while I haven't really used it all that much.  So, in trying to use this nifty mask, I found that I had to stretch the pictures to fit.  (Note to self, see if there are any directions for using the masks.... might help!) 

Now back to current happenings.  The rail fence baby quilt is a top.  Yippeee.  And, that is about it.  Well, I have been working on a scrap quilt but not much progress to brag about.  60 of the 100 16 patches are done. 16 of the 48 pinwheels are done.  Yawn! This has been a leader ender for a long time. 

I spent yesterday looking at cabinetry, faucets and towel bars.  We are redoing our bathroom and need to get some of this stuff on order.  We had planned to rip out the sink cabinet and replace it.  However the space is an odd size. The cabinet is in pretty good shape.  We are evaluating cleaning and polishing what is there rather than replacing.  And, we need some additional storage in the bathroom and were thinking of putting in another cabinet.  Our thinking is changing.  Maybe we should just buy a piece of furniture to serve the same purpose.  So, I was thinking of an antique dry sink.  Or, something else.  I guess I'll have to go searching the internet and funky shops.  (Hum, would Pat go for funky? -- possibly subdued funky...) 

Plans today or this week if I don't get going soon: 
       • sew a bunch of pinwheels together
       • finish the 2 feet left on the quilt on Ruthie
       • print directions for the quilt I'm making with snow fabrics 
       • make more 16 patches 
       • start cutting snow quilt

More than enough for a day or two.... 

Happy Quilting All!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie! Nice to meet you! I am your small quilt swap partner from over at Christine's blog. I only have a moment right now to make a quick comment here and intro myself, hopefully one or the other of us will have a moment to send a proper email to each other. I had a chance to look over your block - great pictures and lots of interesting projects! Bye for now!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.