
Monday, January 24, 2011

Design Wall Monday 1-24-11

I've started putting together the scrap quilt.  My design wall isn't really big enough but it is all the space available.  I've added two columns on the wall -- notice the light switch on the side? 

Here's part of my blocks along with the directions & photo of the quilt I am working on. 

Don't forget to go to Judy's blog to see what is on other design walls. (In case you are looking after Monday, scroll down to find the correct entry for Design Wall Monday.)  

Do you review your lists to see if you have done what you wanted to do?  Sometimes I keep careful track because I am easily sidetracked.  "Ooh, pretty I want to" ... even though my goal is to finish something off. I'm quite pleased with my success in finishing last week's list. 

Here's the list from last week.

       • sew a bunch of pinwheels together All but 11 done and they are in pieces 
       • finish the 2 feet left on the quilt on Ruthie Done and I took the quilt off Ruthie
       • print directions for the quilt I'm making with snow fabrics Did it!  Yeah! 
       • make more 16 patches Still need 20 but have several units awaiting sewing
       • start cutting snow quilt  Ok, didn't even try this one! 

So, let's see if I can be as successful this week.  We'll be out of town all day Saturday so I might not get as much done.  

     • Finish pinwheels & 16 patches
     • Make a sample block for the snow quilt
     • Finish putting together the shrug for Sophia (knitting)
     • Finish the hat that goes with the shrug for Sophia (knitting)
     • Layout the center of the scrap quilt and sew into a top
     • Start making the triangle borders
     • Quilt & bind one baby quilt -- or two... 

Enough.  Hopefully I'll get most of those things done.  

Here's a new picture of Raggs -- part way into the "pink" room -- notice the raspberry sherbet colored carpet?  

Happy quilting all!  I'm off to a local quilt store to buy a bit of fabric... on sale. I've been going a bit crazy with buying fabrics this month.  Oops... but it is the beginning of the year so I have plenty of time to use it up.  Right? 


  1. I love the look of the quilt. Great colors! Isn't it amazing - sometimes the simplest things (squares/triangles) make some of the most fun and interesting quilts

  2. what book is that from? has a very similar pattern that I'm going to try one of these days!

  3. That is a fabulous scrap quilt. Love the borders too! ENjoy!

  4. LOVE your scrap quilt! Could you post a picture of the front of the pattern cover , or tell us the name of the pattern? Are your 16-patches made with 2" strips, finishing at 6" blocks? I'm feeling the need to make this quilt.....

    debbie myers

  5. I love that quilt! I have one of my own started, using the 4 patch units as leaders and enders. Looking at yours makes me want to work more on mine. But boy, it takes a crazy number of 4 patches.

  6. Hmmm, Raggs appears to be admiring your many accomplishments. He's not the only one. Great work!

  7. I make lists so I can make sure I am working on what I wanted. I don't mind varying from the list but it brings me back so I don't forget to do what I planned to do, just not always in as timely a manner as I planned. ;-)

    Oh, and I love the quilt you are working on.

  8. This looks great! I love how the look changes as my focus changes. And bright, beautiful colors, too! :)

  9. Your quilt it so cute....What a wonderful scrappy mix. What pattern or what book is this?

  10. Wonderful scrap quilt. I love all scrap quilts as they are just cozy looking :)

  11. that is going to be an amazing scrap quilt!!

  12. Great scrap quilt Bonnie! Love the 3-d aspect of the design. The borders looks so good on the quilt in the book and I so wish I could make one too, but my schedule is full.

  13. I know I have seen this quilt pattern before, and just love all the scrappy goodness happening.

    I think list making is only therapeutic if you get to cross things off, and you are doing a really good job of that!

  14. That is a great quilt, I love the borders in the picture!
    Good lukc on your list, yes, I am a list person too....

  15. visited just your blog and LOVE it. Is this cutie dog an American Cocker? we are living with Nelli, she is somewhere on my blog ....
    Brigitte from Germany

  16. Did I tell you this pinwheels and 4-patches is what is on my bed? It's my favorite - love the graphic effect. Love it so much I've startged another one, that looks almost exactly like the first (need to try some different stash fabs!

    Yours is so bright and cheerful. Very pretty!

  17. LOVE how your design wall works around your light switch! LOL


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