
Monday, February 7, 2011

Design Wall Monday 2-7-11

What's on YOUR design wall today?  I have an oldie but goodie and a something new.  First the old:
I'm still putting the rows together on this.  I am a bit tired of working on this one so I did something completely different yesterday.  Here's the 5 rows that have already been sewn together.  I still have 2 rows to sew the blocks together.  There are 5 borders on this thing.  I've started one which is pieced triangles.  Three of the borders are strips sewn together.  Two of those are from strip sizes I have in my storage drawers so that will be very easy to make up.  One is 1 1/8th inches.  WHAT?  Yuck -- I'm having to cut those as I am cutting other things.  And, boy, you end up cutting a lot for a quilt like this even if I do keep strips of most of the sizes used for this quilt.  

And, now for the new: 

This is a design from Ursula Reike's book, um, er, More Quilts As Easy As ABC. (Ok, I'll be honest I own all of her books and I am guessing this is from that one not any of the others. If you want to know leave a comment and I'll get back to you!)  I call it a stretched star, forget what she named it. I have light gray inner border and a green outer border to go.  I realized after I had cut 60 triangles that I had wanted to cut the triangles out of the gray -- I thought they would show up better. Sigh. And, remember, that is a red cork board under those blocks. (Note to self hang a white flannel piece or a piece of batting so you don't have to pin every stinkin' little piece!)   Hopefully, this will be a top by the end of the day. 

Don't forget to hop over to Judy's Patchwork Tmes to see what every one else is working on this week. 

Here are two of the four bug jars I made for Pam of FCQ Equilters.  I haven't made bug jars for years.  And, I had a hard time finding bugs of any kind even though I have a good number of conversation prints.  So, next time I'm buying fabrics I'm going to look for some bugs ... Don't we all need bugs? 

I think I might have missed a correction on the cut sizes of the pieces next to the lids.  Hopefully these will still work for Pam.  I'm not sure I have a big enough piece to redo the blue bugs.  

When I checked addresses for this group the other day I realized I am up for the May/June time slot.  I was last in 2010 so I thought I had tons of time left to decide what to do.  Oops!  I guess I'd better think about this one.  I haven't even thought about putting together my blocks from last year.  Another thing to get hopping on. 

I did pretty well on last week's goals. HA! I lie!  I didn't have much on the list but I didn't get them all done! 

     • Finish rail fence quilt. (on Monday!)  Yep, that's completely done. I owe you all pictures of it! 
     • Finish the center of the scrap quilt. Half done.  Truth be told I got tired of sewing those things together.  So, it'll show up again on today's list. 
     • Finish the shrug? I tried to but I need a new circular needle to do it. 
     • Start the border on the Mysteries for Relay quilt. Finished and I owe you a photo of this too. 

I guess I finished 2 1/2 out of 4.  Not so good this time. 

This week's goals:
    • Finish the center of the scrap quilt. (honest, I'll try!) 
    • Buy the correct needles and finish the shrug for Sophia. 
    • Put the borders on the stretched star quilt.  Hum, quilt and finish it? 
    • Work on 4" heart blocks from 1993. 
    • Sew on 2009 Bunny Hill BOM A Tisket, A Tasket.

I guess that is it for goals this week. On Wednesday I am having some of the ladies in the neighborhood over for a tea.  So part of Tuesday and all of Wednesday morning will not be sewing time.  But until then I'll be sewing like crazy. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. I like the 'old' scrappy quilt. May have to copy that one to use up some scraps! I would be proud if I had completed even half of my weekly goals, so good job!

  2. The "Oldie" is a beauty. It will be finished before you know it.

  3. I love Ursula's books too! I do that quilt as a 'cheater I Spy" with each block being different. Not as many fabrics as a true I Spy..but ALOT faster! you still get the star look..just a bit squashed. Fast and squashed? works for me! Love the oldie!

  4. All are very nice projects, love the scrappiness of the first one.

  5. You seem to be in scatter mode like I have been lately...working on a little of this..a little of that. The good news is that it does still all get done! You got so much accomplished..pat yourself on the back!!

  6. I admire your weekly goal setting! If only I had the self-discipline to do that! Enjoy your blog.

  7. The scrappy 'old' quilt looks like it is coming together really nicely! I am looking forward to seeing it done, as I adore scrappy quilts.

    - Mary, The Curious Quilter


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