
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January Fabric Stash Report

Well, this is one way to start the year.  I went wild buying fabric.  


Fabric Used:                6 1/8 yards

Fabric Purchased:       24 7/8 yards

Net Fabric Purchased: 18 3/4 yards

Oops.  I bought a lot from Connecting Threads to go with a fat eighth pack I got for Christmas 2009.  Now I can make a cute lap quilt with the stuff.  I've even got the pattern picked out.  Just need to stop working on time consuming scrap quilts! Here's the Connecting Threads fabric.  I also hit a 25% off sale at JoJo's with 40% off if you finished the bolt.  I finished a lot of skinny bolts.  I'll take pictures of that fabric sometime.  Hum, now how to dig myself out of this hole? 

I was pleased I got two quilts done this month.  Nothing like a deadline to get me to finish something.  I had hoped to finish a few spare blocks to send off for donations but didn't get them done.  Oh well.  

Later this week I'll get pictures of them and post the finishes.  But, you've seen the tops in the last couple of weeks.  They were both started and finished since 12/31/10.  Yep, finished and started in one month.  Wow!  (Of course, it helps that they were pretty easy quilts to begin with.) 

Guess what started to bloom?  My Christmas cactus is blooming like crazy.  It is in the back bedroom with wonderful light.  The one in the kitchen isn't doing a thing. Maybe I should switch the plants so the bigger one blooms too.  

I'm off to the Y to do a bit of walking.  I'm being pretty good about going 3 or 4 times a week.  And, believe me I do not like doing it.  I motivate myself by having a book on my Kindle that I am only allowed to read while walking... so if I want to know what happens I have to go walk.  

1 comment:

  1. Your cactus does have some beautiful blooms

    I'm impressed that you can read and walk on a treadmill at the same time. I wouldn't be able to do that. I take my iPod and listen to music. Have a good walk/read this week.


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