
Monday, March 7, 2011

Design Wall Monday 3-7-11

The sun is sparkling this morning after a day of lazy rain.  And, that is exactly the kind of rain we needed here.  The new forsythias, azaleas and camellias all got a long drink of water after Pat planted them.  And, we're happy to see leaves budding out on the hydrangea we planted last fall.  Hopefully some of those plants will give us flowers this year. 

Here's what's on the design wall this morning. 
I went with a very small white border.  Very small as in cut 3/4 of an inch.  Yep, ended up at 1/4th inch. I was too lazy to figure out the piping or a flange. I also used squares instead of the rectangles.  And, I like it.  I am very pleased how these blocks look compared to what I thought of them just looking at all the individual blocks.  I couldn't see them playing well together in a quilt.  When I quilt this I think I will just quilt in the ditch or right next to the ditch -- probably will highlight the white blocks on point and around the border.  Will probably take more time to load it on Ruthie than to quilt it.  And, I'll finish it off with red binding.  Glad that can come off the design wall.  

This would have gone up on the design wall but, oops, I cut it wrong.  This is Sunday Best, a Schnibble pattern from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.  I loved the concept of two bow ties in one block. It's made from 2 charm packs.  Here's my issue -- notice the small line of green showing between the background fabric and the blue block.  Yep, I cut the thing wrong.  Curse words were flying.  Here's my other issue I preshrink everything... or I do sometimes.  These blocks have been preshrunk and I lost about a quarter of an inch.  grumble, mumble... I haven't decided how I am going to rescue this block... my guess is with a different blue fabric in the collection.  But really, I need to buy another charm pack.  We'll see whether I am willing to do that or not!  

See what's on other folks' design walls by visiting Patchwork Times

So let's look at last week's goals: 

This week's goals:
    • Finish a surprise doll quilt. I really need to focus on this! Done!
    • Finish the backing and quilt Super Duper Easy. Backing done.
    • Finish the Valentine's Quilt.  Top is done. 
    • Get the center part of the scrap quilt together. OOPS
    • Finish the swap blocks. Done.
    • Pick something new to work on. Done 

Not too bad really.  Several of the above items will be hitting the mail this week.
This week's goals:
    • Quilt Super Duper Easy.
    • Quilt 2 of the 3 baby quilts I picked up from the guild. 
    • Make a couple of star blocks for the Just One Star Project.
    • Start working on a different UFO.
    • Make some of the Sunday Best double bowtie blocks. 
    • Make some more Chunky Churn Dash blocks. (See Quiltville directions)
    • Make a pillowcase or two for the Guild pillowcase day. 

Really, that is enough for now! I'm also going to visit Sophie and Brian and Jenny for a little bit this weekend. So look for some new Sophie pictures soon. 


  1. Yes, the thin white border is perfect, and the whole thing looks great.

    Congratulations on meeting all of last week's goals.

  2. I made a Sunday Best I just love her Schnibbles.

  3. Love the 3/4" border! It really makes you made when you cut fabric wrong doesn't it? Neat block, you'll probably have to change the blue or could you do a 1/8" seam with just that block?

  4. the red/white quilt is terrific-the thin white stop border-perfect.
    You're getting so much done, you must be smiling!
    You got rain-we got 2-3 inches of snow. Happens almost EVERY spring-snow on my 2-3 inch high daffodils-not good I'm hoping the sun melts it off today and that's the end of it. (Yes I could have covered them w/mulch or something..but that would mean I was paying attention to the weatherman, which I wasn't)

  5. The narrow border looks just right.

  6. narrow border rocks! It fits perfectly!

  7. It's perfect Bonnie! Love it! Great finished top!

  8. Your Red Quilt looks great-love how you finished it off with the pieced borders.


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