
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Stash Report

Here we go with the February Stash Report... 

Fabric used: 3 1/3 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired) :  0

Net fabric USED from stash: 3 1/3 yards (yea!!!)
Year to date fabric used: 9 1/2 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 24 7/8 yard
Net Year to Date Acquired : 15 1/3 yards

I didn't get as much done as I had hoped to but I also didn't buy anything. And, believe me I looked and looked. But in the end I was strong. (In other words, I found a piece of fabric that would work for the backing of the next quilt up on Ruthie.) I've got a couple of quilts closing in on the finish. 

My only quilt finish this month was this one. Do I see a binding down there waving at me?  It will be donated to Country Piecemakers Guild either for the NICU unit or as an item to be sold at an upcoming fundraiser. 
Here's a photo of the various ideas I'm auditioning for the heart quilt.  I'm going to put a few of the piano keys next to the white and take another picture.  I find that a photograph gives me a better view of a quilt.  Sometimes I turn it into black and white to see how the values work.  I'm beginning to think I might want to make the keys into squares so it isn't so overwhelmed by the scrappiness.  I'm trying the 4 patches in the corners.  I like them if I keep the keys.  The black looks a bit too much to me, the red is lost.  Perhaps I should make the black a narrow piping.  (Hey, I've got the tool so I could do it!) I'll see how the white works out.

Here's the fabric that got me in so much trouble in January minus the Civil War repros I bought for a block swap.  The center one that looks like a 2nd orange is actually a red fabric.  Three of them have polka dots on them.  What? I'll try to be strong for another month and maybe I'll get myself into using up fabric rather than acquiring more fabric. 

I'm off to the Y for my time on the treadmill.  I've been going 3 x week since January.  Wow.  Amazing that I am sticking with it.  And, that means I continued after having a bug in January and a half week in Maryland. 

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Yes, the black is too overwhelming. Try a small white border and then the piano keys.

    Congratulations on your commitment to the treadmill. Keep it up.

  2. I kind a like the way the black offsets all the red and white. I bet piping would be just perfect!


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