
Monday, June 20, 2011

Design Wall Monday 6-20-11 Or Not

Nope, no pictures at all today.  I got back home last night late and have spent the morning catching up on all my emails.  Yikes... I should have put some groups on digest version.  I did want to do my goals as this really helps me to stay focused. 

Goals for week of 6/12/11  
Mail those SoCal Girl charity blocks... 
Maybe get the other two borders on the Easter quilt.
Pack and drive to Maryland...
Join Sharon and drive to OHIO to the NQA show. 
Take some classes, view quilts 
BUY a couple of the new rulers, some thread for Ruthie and what ever calls my name!
Put a few more stitches in the Doll quilt for the swap! (it's going with me...) oops….Too bad I didn't put knit on socks on the goal list as I finished the one that was in the middle of the sole and got the top 2 to 3 inches done on the next one!

Goals for week of 6/20/11
Finish quilting, put the binding on and mail the doll quilt swap quilt.
Get organized for Aimee’s shower.
Put last border on Easter Quilt.
Make the rest of the broken dishes blocks.
Unpack from trip.
Housework???? (really, a goal of housework?)

If you really want a picture of the design wall click here to go to last week's post. Honestly, I haven't touched a thing! I have to go back to cooking and cleaning along with quilting this week.  And, Saturday Jenny and I are giving a shower for Aimee so I won't be able to just quilt this week.  

Don't forget to visit Judy's blog to see what's on design walls across the internet! 
Happy Quilting All!  

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