
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not Quite Over the NQA Show

For the last several days I've been doing almost nothing.  Well, except hand quilting on a doll quilt.  I'm more than half way finished, barely.  But hope springs eternal that I will get it finished sometime before Monday.  I've spent time reading, moving furniture (well, mostly Pat) and shopping a little.  Today I finally uploaded pictures from my camera. Here are some of my favorites at the NQA show.  Often I was taking pictures of interesting quilting ideas rather than the whole quilt.  I have no pictures of Sharon and I doing anything.  (how did that happen?) 

Here's a stunning setting of Bunny Hill's 2009 block of the month.  Hum, will I ever finish mine? 

And an upclose with wonderful cross-hatching. 

I really like the use of black and red (hot pink? magenta?) on this quilt.  I've got a nice roll of 5" by width of fabric blacks and whites that Jenny gave me for Christmas recently.  And, I think I might do a mystery that is starting at Fabricholics Annonymous (yahoo chat group) using the fabrics with white and some color that I haven't picked out yet.  

This photo was more about the lovely quiting. I liked the way the quilter changed the direction of the parallel lines in different spaces. Top left and bottom right the lines were horizontal. The other two corners were vertical.  The center was cross-hatched.  The quilting was great on this.  And, it was pretty mind boggling that it didn't win anything.  Sigh. 

Here again was some stunning quilting with an interesting pieced top.  The two went together so well it was inspiring.

Here's a close up of the quilting.  I wasn't trying to get the names of the quiltmakers/quilters but I'm happy I did for most of these.  They deserve much credit for their wonderful work.  

You should be able to click on the pictures to enlarge them and thus be able to read the information given. I would love to know which of these were computer quilted and which were hand guided.  

Today I need to move in to a higher gear.  I'm getting ready for a shower for Aimee this weekend.  So, I need to get the fun little craft we're doing organized.  And, I have to figure out what stuff I need to take.  Jenny and I are the hostesses but Aimee is providing the house.  So I'll drive up early Saturday morning to set it up.  Plus, I think Pat and I are going to host a 4th of July barbecue for a few of the neighbors to "christen" the new deck.  (note to self, show some finished deck pictures soon.) 

It's darn hot and especially humid here in Central Virginia so not much is being done outside.  I need to take Raggs for a walk soon before it gets too hot.  And, then on with organizing for the shower. 

Happy Quilting. 


  1. I really like that Melon Patch quilt. It looks like all ruler work to me. What do you think?

  2. OH my I love the wonderful quilts. The layout for the 2009 bunnyhill BOM almost makes me want to make another one--that is fantastic.
    I can't believe the 4th is just around the corner, how did that happen!?

  3. I saw this quilt on the Bunny Hill site. It's wonderful! Makes me wonder (again) why didn't I do those blocks each month. Well, maybe next year. I too love the quilting on the other quilts. Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Wow. Now I need to finish my Bunny Hill BOM. I just have a bit of embellishment to do and my blocks will be finished.


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