
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mail Call!

Here's the quilt I received from the latest Doll Quilt Swap I participated in:
 You can't really see the wonderful embroidery Sandy did on this... try clicking on it to see if it will enlarge.  Sandy lives on a cattle station in NSW, Australia.  We had several emails going back and forth to get to know each other better.  It was a lot of fun to learn about each other's life.  Of course, the biggest job for me was to figure out where she lives.  It is a really small town and far from the beaten path, so to speak. 

She also sent a couple of stuffed animals representative of the animals in the area.  And, really neat fabric that shows many of the animals native to Australia.  Way too cool! You can see a bit of the fabric behind the animals.

You can visit Sandy's blog ShiraleeStitches.

Just in case you think I am not multi-dimensional -- Here's my patio tomato plant with a tomato nearly ready to pick. I was afraid we'd only have these few tomatoes but figured out there are several little ones just starting out.  Yum!  I love tomatoes.  

Today I hope to finish the spring quilt I showed last post.  Heck, it's the end of the month and I only have one doll quilt as a finish. So if I can get that quilt done at least it will give me a little more of a finish.  (Hum, seems like I bought a bit of fabric this month too....) 

I'm off for a long walk with the dog.  It's not too hot out yet and I'd like to get some exercise without going over to the Y today.  Poor Raggs will come back panting but he'll sleep the rest of the day!  Happy Quilting All! 


  1. The quilting and embroidery on the doll quilt are exquisite.

    I like to go for walks before the day heats up, too.

  2. What a darling little quilt! And, a red tomatoe--how lucky can you get!


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