
Friday, July 1, 2011

June Stashbusting Report

June Stash Report

Fabric used:  1 5/8 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired):  9 1/2 yards
Net fabric ADDED to stash: 7 7/8 yards
Year to date fabric used: 29 1/4 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 48 1/4 yards
Net Year to Date Acquired : 19  yards

I knew this was going to be a bad month!  And, honestly, I was really good at the NQA show -- I didn't buy any fabric.  Well, except that less than fat quarter of quilted fabric in a kit and I'm not counting it.  (note to self, don't count it as a finish when done...) But over the retreat weekend we hit two quilt stores.  And, I've actually used a bit of one of the fabrics... just not as much as I thought I would use. 
I'm already making good progress on my goals for this week.  Several are completed.  Today I'll need to review so I know what I should be working on. (Stay focused!) I'll end this short blog with a picture of Sophia and I.  I like to try to take self portraits with Sophia and me.  Jenny usually says, give me your camera and I'll take it.  So here are my attempts at a self portrait and Jenny's picture of us.   And, the kids are visiting on Tuesday on their way down to a business trip for Jenny.  We'll keep Kona for a few days and I'll get to see Sophia!  Yippee! 

Happy Quilting! 


  1. Sophie looks like a happy baby or maybe she is just happy to see her Nana.

  2. What a cutie!! Isn't it fun being a grand!!!!


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