
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Good and the Bad

The good:  A new upstairs air conditioner is being installed today.  It will work on keeping the upstairs studio cool!  That's the new one on the left.  The one on its side is the old HOLEY one.

 Here's the lonely pad where the ac unit goes.  And, below, the air handler -- I think that is what it is called.

The Bad:    No air conditioning working in the downstairs while they are working.  Except, now that they are done 6 hours later it turns out the two units weren't on the same panel/switch whatever you turn off so you don't electrocute yourself while you are working on major appliances.  So,  I could have had ac all day.  Sigh.  It was closing in on 80 downstairs where I had moved some of my piecing needs to sew at the dining room table. But it was the wrong height.  It was a mere 92 upstairs!

Here's yesterday's work on Ruthie.  I decided the centers of these bowties would make a good place to put a motif rather than just stipple.  My way of handling it was to draw the flower on a piece of newsprint and attach it to the quilt and quilt through the paper.  Drawing looks great...

 Quilting just doesn't quite look as good.  But, honestly, it will be fine.  This one is going to hang in our new bathroom.  I've already bought red throw rugs and blue towels.  Can't wait until I get this hung in there.
 My plan was to work on a  Disappearing 9 patch UFO.  Just before I left PA one of my guilds had a d9p challenge.  Every one was given enough of 2 different fabrics to use as one block in  in a 9 patch.  We were to make 12 blocks using one constant in the center square and the other square where every we wanted it in the block. Then we swapped the 9 patches.   Today, I cut up the 9 patch blocks.  And, remade a couple -- only one was way off from the size and one someone cut a square wrong and brought the rest as is -- I think she ran out of time.
So using a design bed, I came up with this layout.  Except -- I have one more block to cut up.  And, then I'd need some triangles to fill the side spaces.  Hum, the colors in this picture don't look as rich as it looks  in real life.  You can just barely see two triangles in a green fossil forest.  I will probably try a couple of other settings over the next few days.  I like it on point but I'm not sure I will like all the setting triangles the same fabric -- none of which is in the rest of the top.

I guess this won't be a super easy finish after all.  Sigh.

So here's what the rest of the week looks like temperature-wise. Really, 102??  Hum, I see the nights are at least going into the 70's.  One forecast called for low 80's for a couple of nights.

I'm feeling a nap coming on... the heat must be making me sluggish.  Or, staying up reading a novel too late and getting up at 7.  Oh well.  Nap time it is!

Happy Quilting All! 


  1. No 100s here, thank heavens, but in the mid-90s. I don't have AC, so I close the house up early and pull all the blinds. Thankfully, evenings are mostly 50s and some 60s.

  2. My upstairs is even warms when the ac is on. Hope yours is fixed soon. Heat can really kill quilting motivation.

  3. It was 102 on the bank as I left DD's this afternoon with more of the same for the next couple of days ... with heat indices closing in on 120!! Yikes! And the low tonight and tomorrow night is going to be in the upper 80's. It's been 90 or higher for all but about 5 days so far this month. Too. darned. hot!

  4. "Design bed" That's cute!

    How in the world did I live for almost 50 years without airconditioning??? I'd never live in a house without central air again......and am so darned thankful I'm one of the lucky ones. :-)

  5. Yay for you with the AC!! Our family room upstairs has a window ac but I am never up there! lol I LIVE in our pool when the weather gets like this. Do some work..hop in the pool..etc..

    I just LOVE the bowtie quilt!!! The disappearing 9 patch colors are fabulous. Can't wait to see it when it is done!

  6. sluggish??? I hate to admit, I'm falling asleep reading quilt blogs - now that's getting serious!!! and it's only 10:00 am! The heat is driving us all batty. 8-((

    LOVE the little flowers on the bow tie quilt. Well, I love the whole quilt but the flowers are so plump and perky!


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