
Monday, July 25, 2011

Design Wall Monday 7-25-11

Another week has flown by ... and I got a lot done this week.  Here's what's on the design bed... well, not really, I carefully picked up the blocks so I could move them to the design wall when it is empty.  Which should be soon as I can take down the quilt on it as it is all pieced.   I showed a different lay out last week but decided I like a straight set rather than on point. Visit other design walls at Patchwork Times. 

 Saturday Pat had to drive to Stanton, Va to do an interview. (He's the human resources weenie, as he calls himself.)  It's a two hour drive so he asked me to come with him.  And, the enticement was Rachel's Quilt Patch.

The shop is housed in the old train depot.  It looked like it might have been a big quilt store based on how many doors were leading into it.  Except, once inside I realized there were doors for the "old" space and the new space.  I guess they've moved from the space at the left to the space at the right. I enjoyed my time there and bought too many yards of fabric.  I was looking for new white on white.  And, yahoo! they had a couple of P&B whites.  And, they were reasonably priced and I had a discount coupon.  Yee HAW!  I bought 4 yds of wow, a half yard of lime green that goes with a fat quarter I got at the preview party at Quilter's Corner last week and a fat quarter with wine corks on it.  

But it only took me 30 minutes or so and Pat thought he'd be 2 hours in the interview.  Bummer.  What to do.  I drove over to the local Staples to buy ink cartridges for the printer.  Then because it was so hot and I didn't want to walk around the cute stores downtown, I drove around town.  It is a charming little town.  Mary Baldwin College is there along with Woodrow Wilson's Presidential Library.  There were also metal statues in various places around town.  This watering can was the only one I could take a picture. And darn the sign is blocking part of it. 

Pat thought you would all enjoy a photo of a train engine with its cover off.  (Nod your heads in agreement, honestly you don't see this everyday.)  Here's one of Buckingham Branch Rail Road's engines being repaired.  Hum, take the cover off and you see a lot of grey metal.

Goals for week of 7/18/11
Put the borders on Chunky Churn Dash
Figure out the backing for Chunky…
Sew rows together of Winter Rail Fence
Figure out the backing for Winter Rail Fence. Picked, not cut.
Quilt:     Double Bow Tie
            2nd Quilts for Kids Quilt
Cut and sew together Disappearing 9 Patch
Begin looking for mom of the groom dress… ugh not my favorite thing to do but …       looked in catalogs… blah√
Take Raggs in for teeth cleaning.
Make blocks for quilt Jenny and I are making together.
Put a border on charity round robin quilt from the FCQ Equilters.

Goals for week of 7/25/11
Quilt Jennie the Baker’s quilt
Finish Quilting Charity Quilt
Quilt      Chunky Churn Dash
            Winter Rail Fence
Bind      Chunky Churn Dash
            Winter Rail Fence
            Double Bow Tie
Sew the Disappearing 9 Patch blocks together
Piece the quilt Jenny & I are making
Plan a border for charity round robin quilt from the FCQ Equilters.

Raggs got his teeth cleaned last week along with a couple of polyps removed from his ears.  Yikes, poor doggy.  They removed 5 of his teeth also.  I need to figure out how to brush his teeth so he doesn't lose any more of his chompers.  Although he was surprised when he tried to eat his kibble the next day the missing teeth don't seem to bother him at all.  
Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Raggs is too cute-with or without all his chompers! Our Otis had to have one of his long "fangs" pulled a few years ago-didn't faze him at all.
    If I think of it this evening, I will show my husband the photo of the train. He loves blog pictures that have nothing to do with quilting better so some strange reason. ;)

  2. It has been a while since we've seen Raggs. He is very handsome.

    Only 30 minutes in a quilt shop? Surely, that is against the law.

  3. I like the straight set on your disappearing 9patch. Isn't it fun to visit a new quilt store? Raggs is a cutie, good luck brushing his teeth.

  4. Good luck getting those goals achieved. Looks like it will be a busy week.

  5. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished in 30 min and it's a good thing you left when you did. I love to drive around small towns, they always look quaint. I'm going to be starting to lead a new WW group next month in a small town that has a new to me quilt shop just 2 blocks from where I will be working. Cool, huh?

  6. OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm perusing the blogs in the reader and suddenly some pictures caught my attention ... pics from my home town Staunton, VA!!!! What in the world? Did you enjoy your visit. It is one of the most beautiful places; I especially love the mountains that are off in the distant from anywhere you look. We lived on Augusta Street and Mary Baldwin College was within walking fact, walking toward the campus, we passed the Woodrow Wilson house. Past the campus, was the Staunton Military Academy. Every Sunday morning the cadets and drum core would parade down the street right past our house (about 7 am)! What excitement for us kids anyhoo. Lol.. Raquel's Quilt Patch is a new addition to the renovated area of the train depot. That area was not a very inviting place during my childhood years. On a visit some 10 years ago, I discovered (to my delight) that there IS a quilt shop there. Raquel is very friendly and most helpful. I loved spending time in her shop.


  7. Thanks for taking us along on your trip. I would love to get out of town sometime this summer, though we have the good weather in the US right now!

    The train engine picture reminds me of all the water equipment pics my valve inspector father takes when he goes places. Ahem. Very nice.

    Raggs was surprised--that is funny! Hope his chompers can be saved.

  8. the pics of Raggs! I do love this setting for your blocks. The colors are yummy!!

  9. Very pretty quilt, love all the pastels.


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