
Monday, August 1, 2011

Design Wall Monday 8/1/11 and July Stashbusting

Design Wall Monday is also July's Stashbusting report.  Maybe I should call it Stashbuilding report. Sigh

July Stash Report
Fabric used:  3 1/2 yards
Fabric purchased (acquired):  5 1/4 yards
Net fabric ADDED to stash: 1 3/4 yards
Year to date fabric used: 32 3/4 yards
Year to date fabric purchased: 53 1/2 yards
Net Year to Date Acquired : 20 3/4  yards
This is definitely not looking good.  I am still bringing in way more fabric then is going out.  Remember friends, a quilt has to be completely finished before I count the fabric as used. So, even if I have a quilt and backing ready to quilt, the fabric isn't counted until the binding is done.  So, my little contretemps with Ruthie has put me behind.  You'll notice I have several quilts backed up ready to be quilted.  We'll see if I get them all done by the end of August.  

Reviewing last years July report -- well it doesn't get a lot better.  I've bought twice as much fabric but I've only used 4 yards more approximately.  Well, that would explain it wouldn't it!  

On to what is on the design wall. Jenny and I each made half of the blocks from our stashes.  When I was up there this weekend I pinned and Jenny sewed until I took over entertaining Sophia and Jenny pinned and sewed.  Phew, Sophie wore me out! But we have this baby quilt ready to be quilted.  We aren't putting borders on it but will bind it with a red so that should define the edges.  
And here's who wore Grammie out in a few hours.  I fell asleep way earlier than I usually do.  Could only keep my eyes open for about 15 minutes reading.  Oh well. 
 Sophie's sitting in the front window being totally entertained by a card from a quilting magazine!  We're starting her early on the quilting idea.  

Goals for week of 7/25/11
Quilt Jennie the Baker’s quilt √ well started
Finish Quilting Charity Quilt √ done
Quilt Chunky Churn Dash not started
        Winter Rail Fence started but in process of ripping it all out… not happy with quilting…
Bind Chunky Churn Dash
        Winter Rail Fence
Sew the Disappearing 9 Patch blocks together started
Piece the quilt Jenny & I are making √ ready for quilting
Plan a border for charity round robin quilt from the FCQ Equilters.

Goals for week of 8/1/11
Finish Jennie the Baker’s quilt
Finish ripping out Winter Rail Fence, quilt it again
Make and apply binding for Winter Rail Fence
Go on field trip with quilt group to new store
Plan borders for charity round robin with FCQ Equilters
Go shopping to outlet stores
Sew disappearing 9 patches together
Back burners to dos: quilt red and white baby quilt, chunky churn dash and Quilts for Kids quilt.

Notice two adventures away from the studio this week.  Which might mean more fabric coming into the studio. I need to write myself a list of what I think I need at the fabric stores... I may not really NEED anything! Although I had thought up something I wanted to look for but I sure can't remember it now.  

Don't forget to see what is on design walls across the Internet by stopping by Patchwork Times.  You too can add your blog to Patchwork Times -- post your design wall and then link up.  

Happy Quilting! 


  1. the red and white quilt is so pretty-just love it, and the red binding will be perfect!
    It looks to me like you have a wonderful life going on there-Sophie is a doll. :)

  2. Beautiful selection of red fabrics. They all go together so beautifully, you would never know they came from different people. Glad you are starting quilters early, it looks like the next generation has a head start.

  3. Wow! Love your stunning quilt--red and white is hard to beat.

  4. I love the red and white quilt. Beautiful. I understand about the fabric problem. I find that it calls for me at the shop and it is hard to ignore.

  5. I wouldn't get anything done with the distraction of the adorable cute! Love your reds!

  6. Red is so not my favorite color but that one could entice me to make one, it is great. And so is the little charmer that lured you away from pinning.

  7. I love that quilt - it is charming,... but the little sophie - oh my!!!! What a darling.

  8. There is just something classic in a red and white quilt. Very nice.

  9. Love the red and white baby quilt! Looks like a fairly fast project and oh-so-effective design. Sophie looks adorable and ready to be groomed for quilting in the future :) Good luck with reaching some of your goals this week. That is a long list as always!

  10. Beautiful red and white quilt.
    Sophia's a cutie!

  11. Going to be a very pretty quilt. Red and White quilts are definitely a good thing. Cute children!


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