
Monday, November 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday 11-14-11

I changed out my design wall quilt because I am so tired of showing the beige and turquoise top that really looked so messy on the design wall.  Here's what I've been doing between making beige and turquoise blocks. 

I'm working on Carolina Christmas from Bonnie Hunter.  It was originally a mystery quilt in 2009.  I don't see it on so perhaps it is in one of her books.  I was only going to make a half size quilt.  So, I got things together to do only half the pieces.  Needless to say I lost interest at some point, piled every thing in a plastic box and it became a UFO. 

Fast forward a few years.  Every once and a while I would take it out and sew a piece of two.  Luckily I have learned to keep good notes in the plastic box so all I have to do is glance at it to know what I need to do.  I'm working on clue 3 -- we'll see how long I stick with this project this year.  I needed an ender project so this will serve.  

I've also put up this block that I really need to work on. Two sides of the border have been attached.  I need to figure out the corners and just DO IT. Then I'll add the white triangles so it really will sit the way I have it on my design wall.  I need to get going on this as it will need to be done by April -- I'll pass it along to Pam to do the quilting.  It will be a donation to Komen in Baltimore.  It will hang in the Faithful Circle Quilters, Columbia, Maryland show in April and then be donated.  And, honestly I have all the fabric to make this but just need to get off my ... duff.  I did not do the applique although I wish I could do that nicely. 
Here are more pictures of part of my big haul from the live auction my local quilt guild held on Saturday.  Check out the bags before I brought them home here. I measured 3 bags over the weekend and then got tired of that.  I'll do the last bag sometime before the end of November. Here's the first batch of washed fabrics.  I think the yellow with red lady bugs would look great as a dress for Sophia.  And the bottom fabric in bright pink, purples and green will be wonderful for a backing.  Who know what I'll do with the rest.  And, I have stacks more fabric to wash.  I have already used one fat quarter in blocks I'm making for my FCQ Equilter group. 
The sad part about this haul is I've shot my fabric usage to the moon, if not Saturn!  From the three bags I've gone through I have acquired 55 1/2 yards of fabric. (remember, I've got one more bag to go through...) The average cost per yard is about 40¢.  Can you say SCORE? And, honestly, I gave away 4 yards or so before I even got it home.  And, I didn't count the knits and rayons.... Hopefully this stuff will all fit in my shelving. Ooops, I didn't mention that there were some patterns, books and one felt kit in the bags also. NO MORE FABRIC SHOPPING FOR ME FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR! 

Goals for Week of 11/7/11
Package up and send Quilts for Kids
Trim and bind red, white and blue twin
Finish beige & turquoise top ARGH – I got a few more blocks done
Piece backing for beige and turquoise top
Quilt two baby quilts √ √
Finish counted cross stitch ghost ornament
Add two sections to the pink floral quilt.  Add triangles to square it up 

What DID I do all week?  -- I definitely did not have many enjoyable hours in the studio piecing.
This is one of the baby quilts I got done.  Darn, I forgot to take pictures before I gave them back.  Both were so cute.  I did spend an enjoyable day shopping and lunching with my neighbor.  

Goals for Weed of 11/14/11
Package up and send Quilts for Kids
Send fabrics to friend
Trim and bind red, white and blue quilt
Finish beige and turquoise top
Continue working on Clue 3 of Carolina Christmas
Finish counted cross stitch ghost ornament
Add two sections to the pink floral quilt.  Add triangles to square it up
Host neighborhood tea
Clean living rm, dining rm, kitchen 

Ok, so that makes a lot of sense, repeat most goals and add more. HA! Hopefully I will get more done this week than last. It's my time to have the monthly tea with the neighbors so I'll have to do a bit of cleaning and baking before that can happen.  

Remember to visit other design walls by visiting Patchwork Times

Happy Quilting All 


  1. Both your current projects up there look so pretty! I always enjoy coming by and visiting your design wall, Bonnie! And boy-howdy, you sure did SCORE on that fabric!! Way to go! That really is a lot of fun, and I wouldn't mind adding to my stash that way! Have a GREAT week! :)

  2. Did you get some fun colored/printed knits? I might be interested in the knit if it's something pretty.

  3. Neat blocks and what a great haul you made! At that price it would be crazy not to buy!

  4. Wow, that is some impressive fabric shopping you did! It will be fun to see the rest of the fabric as it's washed (hint, hint) The frog quilt is adorable, I'm sure the baby will love it!

  5. oh Carolina Christmas is on my to-do list, love that pattern and your's is looking good so far. Wow, over 55 yards of fabric, my goodness you have some sewing to do! Sounds like a great time at the auction.

  6. Me too...I'm working on that mystery and can't even find my blocks like the ones on your design wall! I have a bunch sewn together...where on earth are they?!?!

  7. What a shopping find! I finished Carolina Christmas last year and gave it to my daughter in law for Christmas.

  8. Oh, look at all the fabric you got, too!! Your counts might have taken a hit for now, but think of it as stockpiling now so later you won't have the hits! lol
    That flower block is gorgeous!

  9. Your to-do list is a lot like mine. Just keep adding more... lol

    That baby quilt is adorable! Love all your projects, and wish you the best on making progress this week!

  10. Hey, we're in the same boat. I bought a lot of fabric yesterday because it was what I wanted and was $3-4 a yard. Love the colors of the quilt on your frame.

  11. Heres to getting to Clue 4!! Looks like your haul was a steal!


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