
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Finishes -- YEAH!

I've finished a few things I've been working on for a while...  but none of them are quilting.  Maybe after the weekend I can show some quilted finishes.  First up a pair of socks.  I think Pat gave me the yarn this past Christmas.  I used a different sock pattern and the plan was to make them a bit shorter than I normally do.  Um, er, didn't happen for some reason.  They are a wool blend so will have to wait a bit before I can wear them much.
Next up two little ornaments I cross stitched on a small count plastic canvas.  I have a Halloween tree that for years has had about 6 weird ornaments.  (well maybe now there are only 6 cause Mr. Raggs has gotten some of them in the past...) I've wanted to make counted cross stitch ones but thought I couldn't see well enough to do any counted cross stitch.  Well, guess what, I'm wrong.  I think the ghost is about 3" tall and the candy corn is probably 2".  All that needs to be done is put floss hangers on them.  I'll do that next year when I hang them on the tree.
So, if I can see well enough to work on 10 count plastic, why not work on 11 count waste canvas?  (numbers are approximate . . .  I really don't remember what size the canvas is.)  I had a sweat shirt from years ago all ready to work on -- don't remember when I set it up or what I was going to put on it.  Hey, it would work for Santa -- but oops, not the enough waste canvas.  Put new canvas on and have started this little Santa.  If I were good I'd get it done before Christmas... but don't hold your breath.
How did you like the blue fabric behind all the projects?  It is the same piece of fabric!  Yes, it's a Moda that goes from sky blue morning to dark blue night.  Isn't that cool?  It is in the last bag of fabrics I got at the auction.  I still haven't measured the last bag but I will -- maybe this weekend. 

I had my neighbor ladies over for our monthly tea this week.  The house got cleaned and the fall decorations were put out on the table.  If it hadn't been for them coming over I would have skipped the table decorations.  But they looked great. I just floated the loose leaves down on the table after I had everyone's place mat down.  Looked just like fallen leaves.... 

 This was on the small buffet we have.  It is the wreath I made several weeks ago on top of a table runner.  Unfortunately the table runner is way too wide to use on the table.  And you can't see the cute applique in the center.  Hum, this may one of the only applique projects I've ever finished.  I think I have about 3 more going -- or not going as I seldom work on them.  Sigh.

So my techie friends out in blogland... how come sometimes I can write next to the pictures and sometimes I can write only on the bottom line.  This always drives me crazy.  Does it make a difference it I uploaded more than one picture at a time?  Hum, I'll do a little experiment... all the above were loaded three at a time.

OK, maybe not... except I had to move this so maybe that caused the issue.  We've been having crazy weather recently.  It got in the 80's off and on for a week and then plunged to the 40's.  The poor cherry tree doesn't know whether to bloom or not.  It was a horribly windy, overcast and rainy day when it decided it was time to bloom Thursday.  It was 28º this morning. Ok, so it isn't spring!

I'm heading up to the studio to try to finish a couple more things on my weekly goals.  I've been making great progress on it so far.  Happy Quilting All! 


  1. Really, the cherry tree was blooming? How strange yet beautiful.

    I love the socks. What yarn did you use?

  2. 28 degrees? Isn't that wool sock weather?!?! :) Funny to be able to wear your new socks (which are darling, by the way) at the same time your cherry tree is blooming! You've got lots of nice finishes and your tea table was lovely -- I'm sure your guests enjoyed it immensely! Have a great weekend, Bonnie! :)

  3. Busy busy! :-)

    Cherry blossoms! Wow. Too crazy.


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