
Monday, April 16, 2012

Design Wall Monday 4-16-12

I was all set to pay up to keep photos on my blog but I also removed some excess photos so all is good as of this moment.... we'll see whether I can post the few pictures I have for today!  
 The Quilt Bee group I joined is making a block a month for the Queen Bee of the month.  April is Jenny and she wanted string blocks.  She gave everyone the green with navy blue dots and a list of colors to use.  Here's the first block I made for her.  I volunteered to make 6 blocks so I need to do a few more.  But I'm having a heck of a time getting the paper foundation to feed smoothly.  I'm trying telephone book paper next if it's wide enough.  I'll scour the house and see what other thin paper I might have around. 

Remember last November when I went wild and bought way too much fabric from the quilt guild's auction?  Well these little Winnie the Pooh pages were in the collection.  I've bordered them and now will square them to the same size.  Except... the purple is really strong compared to the other colors.  There really isn't much of a story line so I may run the purple and blue diagonally and fill in with yellow and green... it might look better than scattered.  I need to buy more purples -- I really like the color but I don't have all that many pieces of it. 

Week of April 8, 2012  How did I do last week? 
Continue on Scrap Squad #2 -- finished center
Find a leader/ender quilt to work on
Load and quilt Charity Baby quilt
Package and Mail quilt to Alycia @ Quilts of Valor Well, quarter of a check mark -- I found the box
Make a mail heart blocks.. oops! 

Week of April 16, 2012
Get 3 borders on Scrap Squad #2
Prep backing for SS#2
Tea with neighbors/shoe shopping and lunch out
Load and quilt FCQ charity quilt
Finish 9.5" blcoks for FCQ Equilters charity quilt
Backing for flamingo quilt
Make misc. blocks: Jenny's strings, heart blocks, FCQ bom
Mail quilt to Alycia @ Quilts for Valor
Embroidery class with Bubbles, the new Bernina
That should keep me busy this week.  Word on the street is the gal pals will be shoe shopping on Thursday... I really want some new shoes... I plan on dumping a pair or two if I actually find any.
Don't forget to visit Judy's blog, Patchwork Times to see what else is on design walls across the internet. 


  1. Love the strings!! those little critters peaky out are so cute!!

  2. That is quite the list for this week. Best of luck checking things off and with finding some great new shoes too!

  3. I need to make some string blocks before the strings start multiplying too much.

  4. About those string blocks...I once heard about using used dryer sheets. It's just a thought; I haven't tried it.

  5. YOu have a very busy week!! I love the string block great colors!!


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