
Monday, April 23, 2012

Design Wall Monday 4-23-12

Yikes, don't post for a week and everything looks different on Blogger!  Or so it seems to me.  Now that I look at it everything I normally use is there and it looks like this new compose screen will be easier to work with.

Not on a design wall but here's what I did yesterday.  How fun is this!  I took my embroidery module lesson yesterday at Cottonwood Quilt Shop in Charlottesville.  It is a bit of a drive for me but I really like the folks there and they have a great variety of fabrics. This was my first attempt and I basically just used thread I had on hand.  Now, I really wonder about that purple tear drop looking thing under the first n.  What's with that? 

Last week I showed you one string block I completed.  Here are 6 that I finished and I threw in a yellow sashing just for fun.  I'll be delivering these to Jenny this week.

Drop by Patchwork Times to see what else folks have on their design walls. 
We've had a lot of rain recently which means I have a lot of dirty dogs!  Here's a paw that belongs to Raggs.  YUCK! And look at the towel -- argh... and this has been going on for days!  What brilliant person bought a cream colored rug for in front of the door? Ragg's really looks slightly pink where the red mud has been on his fur.  Double yuck! 

How did I do on that long to do list?  Not so good.
Week of April  16, 2012

Get 3 borders on Scrap Squad 2√ 1 and a half done
Prep backing SS2
Load and quilt FCQ Charity Quilt√ in progress
Finish 9.5” blocks for FCQ Equilters Charity Quilt
Tea with the neighbors
Backing for flamingo quilt
Make misc. blocks: Jenny’s strings, heart blocks, opportunity block FCQ
Mail quilt for Alycia @ Quilts of Valor
And for the coming week: 
Week of April 23, 2012
Finish FCQ Charity Quilt on Ruthie
Finish borders on Scrap Squad #2 and measure quilt top
Make heart blocks, siggie block and FCQ BOM
Dinner with Jen, Brian and Sophia
Work the Faithful Circle Quilt Show Thur - Sat
Shop at vendors! 
Drive up and back to Maryland, safely

So not too much quilting on my to do list this week that I can show next week.  But I'll have plenty of photos to share of the quilt show and some of Sophie by then.  Happy Quilting all! 


  1. ohhhhh look at that embroidery, wonderful!! Makes me want to get mine back out for a little while. Love the strings, you're making me want to do some strings :)

  2. Beautiful string blocks. Great fabric selection.

  3. Poor Raggs is getting a dye job where he wants one or not. Do I predict a different door mat is in your future?

  4. Love the embroidery! I think the yellow sashing is great. String blocks are so fun to make. I agree about the muddy dog feet, ugh.


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