
Monday, June 4, 2012

Design Wall Monday 6-4-2012

I'm away from home but I had a lot of quilting action over the weekend at the retreat.   No design wall today, but here are two finished tops.  Both are older projects with new finishes! 
I've been working (more realistically not working) on this for over a year.  The center applique was done by Beth.  I added everything from the half square triangles out.  I felt badly that I kept it so long so decided I would do the squares also.  My big goal for this retreat weekend was to put it together.  I had a lot of help with how to lay out the squares as they are quite different in terms of how much color is in them.   I will be really happy to mail this on to Pam to decide if it needs anything else before she quilts it. It will be donated to Komen in Baltimore.   

At the retreat with Country Piecemakers in October last year I started this quilt.  If you read the blog I wasn't happy how the stars worked with the stripes.  So, I made more stars, found a different stripe and finished this top this weekend.   Ok, even though I say it is from the previous quilt -- there is only one star used from the October batch.  Sigh... so I made a different quilt with the same colors and more striped fabric. The best news is everything is from my stash.  This is ready to be quilted. 

I still have a ton of the red and yellow stars and I found a go-with fabric.  I just ran out of time during the weekend. I might start on it while I'm here visiting Jenny and family.  But, I didn't put that on my goals for this week.  How'd I do last week? 
Week of May 28

Finish Heidi’s quilt
Remove everything from cabinets
Pack up 3 projects for FCQ retreat
Make block for 1800 block of the month
Trim twin charity quilt
Trim baby charity quilt
Not bad but not much listed on the goals either. 

Week of June 4
Make 1800’s block and write directions
Drive home safely from Maryland
Pick Up sewing machine @ Cottonwood Quilt Shop
Load and quilt a baby quilt on Ruthie
Clean house
Play with dogs
Work on Scrap Squad #3
Not all that much on my goal list this week.  The kitchen is being worked on.  Some new cabinets are being put in this week.  Sophia and her mom and dad will be visiting with us this weekend.  Not much sewing is going to be going on. And, I bet the dogs really want some attention.  

Don't forget to visit Judy's Patchwork Times to connect with design walls around the internet.

Sophie and I got to play on the swings yesterday afternoon.  She sees a camera and immediately says picture.  Such a smart girl!

Happy quilting all!  


  1. It does feel good to finish a project that has languished for so long. Both tops are great!

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

  2. Both projects look good. Congrats on your progress -- slow but sure!

  3. Lots of color! Great finishes. :-)

  4. Love the stars and stripes quilt! The donation quilt turned out great too, lots of great colors, which are balanced across the quilt really well. Congrats on the finished tops.

  5. Wow!! I love the quilt!! You did a wonderful job Bonnie!! Great job...hugs

  6. Two great tops! The medalion quilt is a classic beauty and the stars are just so bright and happy. Congratulations on TWO flimsies.

  7. Of course I agree with the comments above about your two finishes. I especially like the Komen donation quilt. But I'd also like to wish you a wonderful weekend with Sophia and, by extension, those folks who bring her all the way to Virginia. Sophia sure is growing fast. What a cutie!


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