
Monday, June 11, 2012

Design Wall Monday 6.11.12

 Yikes! I almost missed Design Wall Monday. My friend Sharon was wondering if anything was wrong since I always post on Mondays.  Nothing really wrong except a cold, company over the weekend, two different groups of men working around my house.  You get the picture?  My normal timing was off! Drat, I actually have something new on the wall today! 

Do you remember this post with these yellow and red blocks? I found this cute tennis shoe fabric in my stash...actually it came from the auction at Country Piecemaker's meeting in November. I am trying to decide if I want to do some borders or whether I'm going to let it go as is.  I might actually have enough fabric to do any of the colors pictured above it.  Do you have any preferences? What looks like yellow is actually a light peachy orange that matches the tennis shoes. Don't forget to visit Patchwork Times to see design walls around the internet.

Week of June 4
Make 1800’s block and write directions√ done
Pick Up sewing machine @ Cottonwood Quilt Shop

Drive home safely from Maryland
Load and quilt a baby quilt on Ruthie
Clean house√ well, got a little done not all that much
Play with dogs
Work on Scrap Squad #3

Week of June 11
Work on Scrap Squad #3
Clear all the furniture off of hardwood floors in preparation for the floor refinishing
Knit on new sweater for Sophia
Help out at Kevin's house for part of a day
Stay with Jenny and Sophia 
Vacation and see the Beach Boys 50th anniversary concert
Shop at some outlets

Not much sewing for this week as we have to leave the house for a week but I might be able to do some hand work if I get any ready.  I leave you with another cute picture of Sophia and Jenny enjoying the pool at the Y this weekend. 
 Happy Quilting All!  


  1. Love the star quilt, so pretty. But again Little Sophia is stealing the show, who can think about borders after seeing your two cuties at the end :)

  2. Beautiful quilt and I think the peach then the print might make nice borders or leave it just the way it is. Looks like fun at the Y!

  3. I like the green, it matches the shoes too, and adds a nice punch.

  4. anything with stars looks good to me. That little Sophie is too dang adorable. Lucky, lucky you!

  5. Are those the stars you brought to retreat?? I really like this one Bonnie. It's so bright and cheery. Hard to tell colors from a picture sometimes, but that red really looks great as a border, so it gets my vote. Jenny and Sophia look like they're having fun!

  6. The color that jumps out at me is blue. You could even just bind it in blue. :-)

  7. Love the tennis shoe fabric, it's perfect with those stars!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.